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Snyk Jenkins plugin enables jenkins users to test their open source packages against the Snyk vulnerability database


  1. This plugin requires Docker installation on the machine in order to scan your dependencies.
  2. Pull Snyk docker image by running the following command: docker pull snyk/snyk-cli
  3. Add Jenkins user to the docker group: sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins-user and verify that the Jenkins user can run docker commands without a sudo.


  1. Set up your local maven env to allow releases of the jenkins plugin (chat with people who have done this before).
  2. Create a branch off of master, push changes, open a PR and get it merged to master.
  3. Pull master locally and run mvn release:prepare release:perform -X -B. This pushes the release and adds two commits to master.
  4. Push master branch to the repo to allow for the next release to happen in the future.