
Unity - Castle Windsor - Structure map - Ninject 4 open source IOC container

Primary LanguageC#


Unity - Castle Windsor - Structure map - Ninject 4 open source IOC container

Unity Container

Unity container is an open source IoC container for .NET applications supported by Microsoft. It is a lightweight and extensible IoC container.

The source code for Unity container is available at https://github.com/unitycontainer/unity. Unity Container Features:

- Simplified type-mapping registration for interface type or base type.
- Supports registration of an existing instance.
- Supports code-based registration as well as design time registration.
- Automatically injects registered type at runtime through a constructor, a property or a method.
- Supports deferred resolution.
- Supports nested containers.
- Automatic disposing of instances based on lifetime managers; lifetime managers include hierarchical, per resolve, externally controlled, per request and per thread.
- Supports service location capability; this allows clients to store or cache the container.
- Supports type interception and instance interception.
- Easy to extend


tructureMap 3.0 released in early 2014 marked a huge change in the StructureMap internals and public API's. The 4.0 release was a much smaller release that primarily improved type scanning, diagnostics, and performance. The only breaking changes from 3 to 4 were in custom type scanning conventions, the removal of ObjectFactory, and the elimination of some obscure configuration API's.