This is the GitHub repository to host all the notes, diagrams, assignments, and resources from the CKA course published on YouTube.
Checkout this file for the #40daysofkubernetes challenge details
- Course Introduction
- Discord community server for assistance
- Live QnA sessions every weekend
- #40daysofkubernetes challenge
Status: Video is live, check out 👉 Day1 👈 folder for notes and useful links ✅
- What is Docker?
- How is it different from Virtual Machines
- Docker Architecture
- Docker flow
- Docker commands
Status: Video Live Date: 18th June
- What is Dockerfile, and how do you write it?
- docker pull , push, tag etc
Status: Video Live Date: 19th June
- How to write a dockerfile for multistage build
- Benefits of multi-stage builds
- Other docker best practices
Status: Video Live Date: 20th June
- Control plane VS Worker Nodes
- Overview of control plane components
- Install Kind cluster locally
- How to access the cluster
- What are pods in Kubernetes?
- Containers VS Pods
- Imperative VS Declarative way for creating Kubernetes resources
- Create a sample pod using the imperative way
- Create a sample pod using the declarative way
- Inspect the pods
- Replication Controller
- ReplicaSet
- Deployments
- How to perform Rolling updates/rollback
- Scale the deployment
- What are services in Kubernetes, and why do we need them?
- Node port, ClusterIP, and LoadBalancer
- NameSpaces
- Services and namespaces
- What are multi-container pods
- Multi-container pods pattern - sidecar/init etc
- Environment variables in Kubernetes
- What are Daemonset, cronjobs and Jobs
- Cron fundamentals with examples
- What are static pods
- Labels and selectors
- Manual Scheduling
- What are taints and tolerations
- Horizontal VS Vertical Autoscaling
- HPA, VPA, Cluster autoscaling, NAP
- Metrics server
- Liveness VS Readiness Probes
- HTTP/TCP/Command-based health checks
- concept and demo
- Symmetric VS Asymmetric encryption
- SSL certificates and Certificate Authority
- How TLS works in Kubernetes
- Why we need TLS in Kubernetes
- Private key and public certificates
- Authorization VS Authentication
- Authorization types, ABAC, RBAC, Node, Webhook
- Kubeconfig
- Role and role binding
- Generate and approve the certificate
- grant access to the user
- concept and demo
- What are service accounts, and why do we use them?
- Create a service account and grant access to it
- Network policy concept
- CNI installation
- enforce network policy by creating the object
- Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster
- Setup Master Node to deploy Kubernetes components
- Setup multiple worker nodes and join the master node
- Why do we need storage in docker containers
- persistent docker storage
- How storage works in Kubernetes
- hostpath volumes in Kubernetes
- Persistent volumes and Persistent volume claims
- Volume modes, Access modes, and reclaim policies for volumes
- Storage classes and provisions
- What happens when you type a website address in your browser
- different components involved in DNS
- End-to-end flow
- Important files and resources
- How Networking works in a docker container
- CNI , Network Add-on
- Containerd vs runc , container runtime
- Monitor Cluster components, Evaluate cluster and node logging
- Understand how to monitor applications, metric server
- Manage container stdout & stderr logs
- Worker node failure
- cordon, uncordon and drain (maintenance)
- Installing Kubernetes manually using binaries
- This project will include multiple Kubernetes topics with real-time implementation.
- Exam Pattern
- Last-minute preparation
- Tips and Tricks