
AttnGAN evaluation error

rracinskij opened this issue · 7 comments


I get an error while trying to generate images using the pretrained AttnGAN model:
sh coco-attngan

  File "", line 86, in gen_example
  File ".../multiple-objects-gan-master/code/coco/attngan/", line 604, in gen_example
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for G_NET:
Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "netG".

Can you give me a print out of the state_dict?
For a quick fix try
to see if that works.

Thank you, the quick fix solved the problem, as the state_dict contains a netG key only. So the line 604 of the code/coco/attngan/ should probably contain

Thanks for spotting this, I have just fixed this in the code.

Sorry for reopening - one more issue with sh coco-attngan:

File "", line 160, in <module>
  gen_example(dataset.wordtoix, algo)  # generate images for customized captions
File "", line 86, in gen_example
File "/home/.../multiple-objects-gan-master/code/coco/attngan/", line 636, in gen_example
  fake_imgs, attention_maps, _, _ = netG(noise, sent_emb, words_embs, mask)
File "/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 477, in __call__
  result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
TypeError: forward() takes exactly 7 arguments (5 given)

Hi, the method you're trying to call is from the original AttnGAN implementation and is used to generate images from "novel" sentences (i.e. not from the validation set).
To avoid this make sure you have
in the cfg_eval.yml file.

If you want to use novel sentences to generate images you'll need to provide the two values for transf_matrices_inv and label_one_hot for each caption and call
fake_imgs, attention_maps, _, _ = netG(noise, sent_emb, words_embs, mask, transf_matrices_inv, label_one_hot)
Essentially you need to decide where in the image (with transf_matrices_inv) and what kind of objects (with label_one_hot) you want to generate.
See lines 331-339 to see how to obtain the transformation matrices from a scaled bounding box (bbox values are [x-coordinate, y-coordinate, width, height] each value scaled so it is between 0 and 1, e.g. [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5] for an object that covers the top left quarter of the image).

The labels are:
0 person
1 bicycle
2 car
3 motorcycle
4 airplane
5 bus
6 train
7 truck
8 boat
9 traffic light
10 fire hydrant
11 stop sign
12 parking meter
13 bench
14 bird
15 cat
16 dog
17 horse
18 sheep
19 cow
20 elephant
21 bear
22 zebra
23 giraffe
24 backpack
25 umbrella
26 handbag
27 tie
28 suitcase
29 frisbee
30 skis
31 snowboard
32 sports ball
33 kite
34 baseball bat
35 baseball glove
36 skateboard
37 surfboard
38 tennis racket
39 bottle
40 wine glass
41 cup
42 fork
43 knife
44 spoon
45 bowl
46 banana
47 apple
48 sandwich
49 orange
50 broccoli
51 carrot
52 hot dog
53 pizza
54 donut
55 cake
56 chair
57 couch
58 potted plant
59 bed
60 dining table
61 toilet
62 tv
63 laptop
64 mouse
65 remote
66 keyboard
67 cell phone
68 microwave
69 oven
70 toaster
71 sink
72 refrigerator
73 book
74 clock
75 vase
76 scissors
77 teddy bear
78 hair drier
79 toothbrush

Thank you for a detailed explanation. Could you please specify the correct dimensions of bbox, transf_matrices_inv and label_one_hot?

The dimensions should be the following (num objects = how many objects you want to specify for the object pathway, in our case usually 3):
bbox: [batch size, num objects, 4]
trans_matrices_inv and transf_matrices: [batch size, num objects, 2, 3]
label_one_hot: [batch size, num objects, 81]