
There are 47 repositories under ms-coco topic.

  • eric-yyjau/pytorch-superpoint

    Superpoint Implemented in PyTorch:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8121099172
  • SamsungLabs/adaptis

    [ICCV19] AdaptIS: Adaptive Instance Selection Network,

    Language:Jupyter Notebook33624032
  • DuncanZauss/Keypoint_Communities

    [ICCV '21] In this repository you find the code to our paper "Keypoint Communities".

  • akshitac8/OW-DETR

    [CVPR 2022] Official Pytorch code for OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer

  • chrise96/image-to-coco-json-converter

    Convert segmentation RGB mask images to COCO JSON format

    Language:Jupyter Notebook19951359
  • ashual/scene_generation

    A PyTorch implementation of the paper: Specifying Object Attributes and Relations in Interactive Scene Generation

  • bethgelab/robust-detection-benchmark

    Code, data and benchmark from the paper "Benchmarking Robustness in Object Detection: Autonomous Driving when Winter is Coming" (NeurIPS 2019 ML4AD)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18181024
  • fmahoudeau/ShelfNet-Human-Pose-Estimation

    Fast and accurate Human Pose Estimation using ShelfNet with PyTorch

  • tohinz/multiple-objects-gan

    Implementation for "Generating Multiple Objects at Spatially Distinct Locations" (ICLR 2019)

  • tohinz/semantic-object-accuracy-for-generative-text-to-image-synthesis

    Code for "Semantic Object Accuracy for Generative Text-to-Image Synthesis" (TPAMI 2020)

  • ashnair1/COCO-Assistant

    Helper for dealing with MS-COCO annotations

  • zchoi/S2-Transformer

    [IJCAI 2022] Official Pytorch code for paper “S2 Transformer for Image Captioning”

  • louisyuzhe/car-damage-detector

    Mask R-CNN Model to detect the area of damage on a car. The rationale for such a model is that it can be used by insurance companies for faster processing of claims if users can upload pics and they can assess damage from them. This model can also be used by lenders if they are underwriting a car loan especially for a used car.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook735642
  • gaobb/MCAR

    [TIP] Learning to Discover Multi-Class Attentional Regions for Multi-Label Image Recognition

  • ngun7/Annotation-Converters

    This Repo covers all formats of annotations for Object Detection and can easily convert from one form to another using attached scripts

  • HaydenFaulkner/VideoYOLO

    Object Detection for Video with MXNet and GluonCV using YOLOv3

  • msindev/YOLO-v3-Object-Detection

    This repository contains code for YOLO v3 Object detection, and is capable of fast object detection. Input can be given through images, videos and webcam input feed.

  • jaleedkhan/neusire

    NeuSyRE: A Neuro-Symbolic Visual Understanding and Reasoning Framework based on Scene Graph Enrichment

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17104
  • Daniboy370/Deep-Learning

    Side projects and hands-on work

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15202
  • YOLOv4-Pytorch


    Implementation of Darknet with You Only Look Once (YOLO) in Pytorch

  • cdluminate/ladderloss

    Ladder Loss for Coherent Visual-Semantic Embedding, AAAI, 2020

  • fazeVaib/DigiVision

    A deep learning based application which is entitled to help the visually impaired people. The application automatically generates the textual description of what's happening in front of the camera and conveys it to person through audio. It is capable of recognising faces and tell user whether a known person is standing in front of him or not.

  • boschresearch/Hyp-OW

    [AAAI 2024] Official code for "Hyp-OW: Exploiting Hierarchical Structure Learning with Hyperbolic Distance Enhances Open World Object Detection"

  • Sshanu/civic_issue_dataset

    Civic Issue Detection Dataset from Adversarial Adaptation of Scene Graph Models for Understanding Civic Issues

  • bbenligiray/ms_coco_formatter

    A tool to download and format MS COCO dataset for multilabel classification

  • hemanthh17/Image_Segmentation_Parking

    Using Image Segmentation for identifying free car parking slots

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • CISiPLab/cisip-CoCa

    Compact Image Captioning (CoCA) is an open source image captioning project to promote Green Computer Vision, as well as to make image captioning research accessible to universities, research labs and individual practitioners with limited financial resources.

  • sharanp98/Intelligent-Advertisement-Generation

    Intelligent Advertisement Generation for e-commerce websites using deep learning.

  • sidphbot/visual-to-audio-aid-for-visually-impaired

    A system to process visual input on timed frames to produce sensible audio aid in accordance with human information processing limits, using image captioning, semantic text comparison and text-to-speech modules.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3212
  • charlie6echo/VBDLDSCC

    Vision Based Document Layout Detection, Segmentation and context classification using MaskRCNN on Tensorflow-Keras, PyTorch & Detectron2.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • ChryssaNab/Image-Colorization

    PyTorch implementation of Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) for image colorization of the MS COCO dataset

  • devparanjay/Multi-Auto-Annotate

    Multi-Auto-Annotate : Automatically annotate multiple labels in your entire image directory by a single command. Works with COCO dataset and also has the ability to train on custom dataset.

  • JoshuaPlacidi/ms_coco_object_tags

    Python dictionary storing object tags for MS-COCO images. Data from 3 different sources (COCO ground truths, VG classifier and Microsoft's VinVL) are availible.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2110
  • sailee2781/obstacle_detection_recognition-

    Deep Learning based project developed using YOLO-v5 (You Only Look Once) which helps to detect and recognize the obstacles for Autonomous Vehicles.The model developed also estimates the distance of each obstacle from initial position considered.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • ozayr/detection-assisted-annotation-tool

    labeling tool that allows easy plugin of detection networks that can assist in the labeling process

  • roshanr11/image-captioning

    Used deep learning to train a CNN + RNN/LSTM on the MS-COCO dataset to automatically generate captions.
