Superpoint Implemented in PyTorch:
Jupyter NotebookMIT
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Has anyone reproduced the experimental performance?
#117 opened by jjn037 - 5
- 1
The original SuperpointNet training don't work
#108 opened by AndreGao08 - 1
Is there one less training step?
#116 opened by zyxzyx45 - 0
- 4
CUDA out of memory on 3090
#89 opened by FeiXie8 - 9
Inference module for custom trained model
#57 opened by JingjunYi - 0
#114 opened by li575867 - 0
- 2
#70 opened by samadhiiiii - 0
- 6
An error in Training MagicPoint on Synthetic Shapes
#111 opened by kamen-kkr - 2
#109 opened by sunnysl111 - 3
Magic point training is sluggish.
#74 opened by saunair - 2
When using to extract the coco dataset, there was an issue with the missing loader
#110 opened by SiyuQibuaa - 2
About training time?
#93 opened by Taogonglin - 1
Demo for matching a pair of images
#100 opened by cxmscb - 2
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OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
#101 opened by VickkyMama - 0
File types for model weights
#107 opened by 1z2213 - 2
train coco no iteration
#66 opened by dachengai - 0
Bugs for euclidean dist
#104 opened by cxmscb - 9
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I think there is a bug in subpixel prediction
#68 opened by CodeRed97 - 0
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About magicpoint_kitti_train.yaml
#94 opened by foxkw - 1
About kitti dataset
#92 opened by foxkw - 0
How to export on a custom dataset
#91 opened by Joshpk29 - 3
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issue: dataloader error
#87 opened by inhopark94 - 0
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can you release a simple demo,please!
#81 opened by xiaobo8310 - 0
how to train with rgb input?
#82 opened by ghoshaw - 0
While doing step 4 (exporting) ValueError: could not convert string to float: '0.99653963,-0.016891728,1.6804988'
#79 opened by jbk3407 - 2
Difference between the models in the repo
#78 opened by saunair - 2
Look for contributors to maintain this package
#76 opened by eric-yyjau - 1
Pixel coordinates from feature extractor
#71 opened by rishabhramteke - 1
how can i export pretraind model to onnx model?
#72 opened by jcyhcs - 1
Export/ Evaluate the metrics on coco
#69 opened by P66094125 - 0
About heatmap size
#67 opened by P66094125 - 2
why need to crop to the same length?
#55 opened by P66094125 - 1 error
#58 opened by eminerkol-60 - 0
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Homography of HPatches issue
#60 opened by jeethesh-pai - 2
Homographic adapatation time is too long
#59 opened by jeethesh-pai