
Simple HTML countdown HUD for Zombie Escape servers.

  • Custom chat tag

  • Chat colors

  • Chat end timing

  • Ignore blacklist words

  • Filter message

  • HUD Colors

  • Sounds effects


  • [ANY PLAYERS] sm_timer - Toggle countdown timer display.

  • [ANY PLAYERS] sm_timersound - Toggle countdown timer sounds.


  • countdown_chat_tag - Will shown in chat before map message.
  • countdown_chat_text_color - Color of main text in chat.
  • countdown_chat_number_color - Color of the number in chat.
  • countdown_chat_end_symbol - End timing symbol.
  • countdown_chat_end_color - Color of the end timing in chat.
  • countdown_hud_warning_timing - Since what moment timer will warn players.
  • countdown_hud_text_color - HEX Color of main text in HTML HUD.
  • countdown_hud_number_color - HEX Color of the number in HTML HUD.
  • countdown_hud_prefix_color - HEX Color of the prefix symbol in HTML HUD.
  • countdown_hud_postfix_color - HEX Color of the postfix symbol in HTML HUD.


Example of countown HTML HUD