- 5pecia1Republic of Korea
- alpa44
- BlizzardBlue@BaseLabsCorp
- blockoverflowio
- bsjjim
- cjssus12
- CodeMath@Ablemind
- cyans
- dongsam@b-harvest
- frontalnhSeoul
- harryyongheeleeSeoul, Korea
- hjunk
- horai
- kgeonwSeoul, Korea
- KOREAN139Imagoworks
- kwangcSeoul, Korea
- laurenceyoonMusic and Audio Computing Lab, KAIST
- LeeByungsunCoinplug
- limkeunhakNEXON Korea
- liveegg
- newro
- pseudojoHomework
- r4k0nb4k0nSeoul, Republic of Korea
- rheehotSeoul in Korea
- seonjinson
- shinhs2009
- SiwooPak
- taeguk@mitosis-org
- technykimOwl community
- yepp4you
- yusulismSeoul, Republic of Korea
- zacscodingtoss