
Polycrystalline cuboidic specimen generation and meshing software

Primary LanguageRust


Polycrystalline cuboidic specimen generation and meshing software.


  1. Install Gmsh and Neper. They must be available at the terminal as the commands gmsh and neper at run time.
  2. Install polyqd with cargo install --git https://github.com/tokarevart/polyqd.git. If you want to install Rust/Cargo, this is probably the easiest way: https://www.rustup.rs.


First use tess module to generate initial tesselation, then use reg module to regularize that tesselation and only then mesh regularized tesselation with mesh module.

Every time you use a module its last result is cached in ./polyqd-cache directory, so, for example, you don't need to generate and regularize tesselation multiple times to create meshes with different characteristic length.


Set them in --dims option in the order dx dy dz


$ polyqd tess -n 20 --dims 50 12 4  
$ polyqd reg --fmax 20 --sel 3 --mloop 5  
$ polyqd mesh --cl 3   -o polyqd-rough.msh
$ polyqd mesh --cl 1   -o polyqd.msh2
$ polyqd mesh --cl 0.3 -o polyqd-fine.key