
The python specific tron operation toolchain

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🏗👷🏾 TronPyTool

Library API for Python on TRX or Tron

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Ethereum based all tool chain for smart contract development kit documentation.

Why do we use python

Using it because it is fast and easy. More importantly it runs directly by its own and no more dependencies.

Its much faster to building modules and calling functions on python. Also it can be wrapped into an executable binary on wasm or cpython that runs on natively any platforms.

If you are using PyCharm or similar IDE, all type are ready to show at your finger tips.

Get Started

pip3 install tronpytool

or upgrade using

sudo pip3 install tronpytool --upgrade

The development of tronpytool contract deployment tools:

Setup (for the early version, we are going to setup the workspace manually. )

Setup the folders: /vault /artifact /deploy_history /deploy_results /factoryabi

Why use tron-py-tool

It is a all-in-one package with zero setup and configurations that works for multiple architectures. It is lightweight and simple. Build-in ERC20 support and bulk token sending support. Out of the box that comes with solc-compile automation and web3 executions.


  • support most of the evm compatible chains
  • golang module compile support
  • python module compile support
  • typescript module compile support
  • tron payment usdt support with simple operation


Deployment of the new contract:
# !/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import os

Show the amount of your wallet

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from tronpytool import Tron
from tronpytool import HttpProvider

tron = Tron().setNetwork('nile')

# result: 1000000

# result: 1

Mint Coins

The example for minting coins with 18 decimal

# !/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import os

Code Compile

Integration of forge that can work perfectly with latest version with ONE LINE code. In order to use this feature, the required package will need to be installed to the system. Otherwise the error message will show.

  • factoryabi (source transpiler for ts and python)
  • forge (solidity compiler)
  • abigen (golang transpile generator)
  • abi-gen-uni (transpiler consumer)

If you are all set, then you are ready to run the following code for example:

# !/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import os

from tronpytool import TronBrew, Evm

solidity_files = [

ROOT = '.../Documents/b95/devtron'
FACTORY = '$HOME/Documents/piplines/factoryabi'

print("-----> job from here")
print("-----> now its ready to go")

TronBrew(ROOT, FACTORY).setClassSolNames(solidity_files).setEvm(Evm.ISTANBUL).useForge().localTranspile()

Deployment of Contract

Showing some example for the deployment of the source code


def getTronReady() -> ContractTool:
    # ========================== Of course
    wallet_address = "..."
    private_key = "..."
    # ============== wrapping the contract
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    tron_x = ContractTool(ROOT, "mainnet", wallet_address, private_key)
    return tron_x

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = getTronReady()
    c.deploy("ClassNameFile", [])

Documentation is ready here

Also there is a brother library for those who works with EVM network.

📦 Showcase your project with this SDK

PR your link or your github repo here.

Donations are welcome

Welcome for donation for the good works!