Custom transforms for Style-Dictionary, to work with Design Tokens that are exported from Tokens Studio
- AlexeyRyazanovD-Mind
- amatkivskiyValtech_
- AndySobol
- BenjaminC4illet@MeisterLabs
- buildtheuiCosigned
- Christo44
- coreyleelarson@rightpoint
- danielkoch
- DarioSollerKaiser X Labs
- dipiashOxygen
- dnlklmn
- DylanOpetDisney Interactive
- fmalPoland
- h0r0m4nDublin, Ireland
- Joshua-BoothAuckland, New Zealand
- kttalleyCisco Systems
- LawrieCape
- lucoelMOIA
- mcriderVictoria, BC
- md-xyz
- me-v-en
- minheeyoon-29cm
- mryechkinManulife
- msasikanth@simpledotorg
- nio-pJapan
- pbroom
- pjedwabnyKraków, Polska
- ptu14Cracow
- ryandejaegher
- ShaneHudsonUnited Kingdom
- six7Salzburg, Austria
- ssharifdev
- TheeMattOliverTX
- usetheticsRg/B
- yashielMiHCM
- yinonovsr. Manager Engineering @Vonage