Otter is a micro web framework that sits on top of the servlet api 4.0.1
- Contribute!
- Hello World Application
- Quick Start Application
- Dependency Coordinates
- Documentation
- Why?
If you want to get started with all the details head over to the hello world example application.
If you want to get started quickly head over to the quick start example application. Only 5 files to get started.
Latest pinned version is 1.5.7
Current development version is 1.5.7
compile group: 'net.tokensmith', name: 'otter', version: '1.5.7'
Detailed documentation is available.
Otter was created to provide these features:
- Preference of Generics over Reflection
- Abstract the I/O framework from the web framework
- Regex routing
- Application encrypted sessions
- Async I/O
- HTTP 2
Otter began embedded within a web application in late 2014. Back then there were not many options for those features. It was extracted and open sourced in 2017.