Flutter widgets you haven't used yet.
Currently, Flutter has a lot of useful pre-built widgets, no, too many widgets.
Thus, it is not easy to know all widgets and how each widgets work and behave.
Proximity solves this problem. It enables users to touch and feel widgets so that they can learn them effectively.
- AnimatedContainer ✨
- AnimatedAlign ✨
- AnimatedPositioned
- ReorderableListView
- Slider
- Expanded
- Flexible
- Align
- FCM(Push notification)
- FractionallySizedBox
- IndexedStack
- Sliver
- SliverAppBar
- SliverListAndSliverGridView
- Algolia(iOS only) - Full-text search
- SearchDelegate
- Table
- SwitchListTile
- AnimatedSwitcher
- RotatedBox
- Scrollbar
- ExpansionPanel
- PhysicalModel
- AnimatedList
- Flow
- AnimatedWidget
- ToggleButtons
- AnimatedIcon
- SafeArea
- InteractiveViewer
- Curves
- Switch
- Navigator
- animations
- adobe_xd
- flutter_slidable
- flutter_chat_ui