Used to compile and deploy Phala pRuntime
docker build -t <name:tag> .
docker pull tolak/phala-pruntime-docker
docker run \
-it -p 8000:8000 \
-v <phala-blochain source code dir>:/root/phala-blockchain \
--name pruntime tolak/phala-pruntime-docker
- compile pRuntime
enter docker container
docker attach <container id>
execute within container, run SGX_MODE=SW make
for simulation mode if you don't have the hardware
cd /root/phala-blockchain/
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd pruntime
Make sure put spid.txt (linkable) and key.txt into bin/.
- run pruntime
execute target file
cd bin
Intel SGX Driver and SDK are needed. Set environment variable SGX_MODE=SW while building to run it in computer without SGX.
The dev mode keys in spid.txt and key.txt can be obtainied from Intel.