================== eventbrite-sdk-php

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Clone the repo. Once this is public we can add version control and installation via composer.

The Eventbrite PHP SDK makes it easy to interact with the Eventbrite API:

.. code-block:: php

php > require_once('HttpClient.php');
php > $client = new HttpClient('TOKEN');
php > $user = $client->get_user(1234567890);
php > $user['id'];
php > 1234567890
php > $user['name'];
php > Serena Williams

You can also specify API endpoints manually:

.. code-block:: php

php > $user = $client->get('/users/me/');
php > $user['id'];
php > $user['name'];
php > Serena Williams


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/eventbrite/eventbrite-sdk-python.


The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.