
Vim Config

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Vim Awesome Configuration


  • Vim (of course)
  • Python support


It's as simple as that:

git clone https://github.com/tolecnal/vim-config.git ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
cd ~/.vim
git submodule init
git submodule update



  • Jellybeans - stock options


  • enter - hides higlighting and behaves well in command edit mode
  • \l - toggle show invisibles
  • \h - toggle highligh search matches
  • \g - gundo toggle
  • \cc - togle color column at textwidth+1
  • \cd - :lcd %:h
  • \s - togle spell checking
  • \v - edit your vimrc in new tab, config is reloaded on save
  • \n - toggle between normal/relative line numbering
  • - start mark multiple (marks occurences which you can then edit at one)
  • - from visual, clean after mark multiple
  • - move your code one line up
  • - move your code one line down
  • - file search/open (ctrlp plugin)
  • gb - open ctrl-p buffer browsing
  • \r - run current/last test file
  • \R - run nearest/last neaerest test
  • zy - save view number , think of this as fold yank
  • zp - load view number , think of this as fold paste
  • :Sw - does sudo write of edited file (:w !sudo tee % > /dev/null)
  • :&& - && expands to current file's path in ex mode
  • :call Pastebin() - sends curent (selected) buffer (visual mode) to paste
  • \ig - to toggle indentation guides


  • ai, ii - indented block


  • pathogen enabled
  • lot of useful options enabled (wildmenu, encoding, nocompatible, tabs, wraps, etc.)
  • editing gziped files
  • minimalized GUI
  • nice invisibles
  • Nagios Syntax highlighting files
  • Nice informative statusbar


Drew for his Vimcasts and Practical Vim book Derek Wyatt for his posts on Vim