
List of Various GIS Data Resources

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List of Various GIS Data Resources

Free Resources

  • USGS | Earth Explorer - Various maps, aerial imagery, satellite imagery, mostly free, registration is required.
  • ESRI | ArcGIS OpenData - Various datasets, free, registration is required.
  • Openstreetmap - Various maps, everyone contributes, free, registration is NOT required.
  • NASA | SEDAC - Various datasets, free, registration is NOT required.
  • NSF | Opentopography - Topography datasets, free, registration is NOT required.
  • NASA | NEO - Satellite imagery, free, registration is NOT required.
  • ESA | Copernicus - Satellite imagery, free, registration is required.
  • IPUMS | Terrapop - Environmental datasets, free, registration is required.
  • UN | FAO - Various satellite imagery, free, registration is required.
  • ISCGM | Global Maps - Various datasets, free, registration is NOT required.
  • NOAA | CLASS - Various datasets, free, registration is required.
  • NASA | EarthData - Various high resolution satellite imagery, free, registration is required.
  • INPE | DGI - Satellite imagery of limited areas, free, registration is required.
  • JAXA | EORC - DSM data, free, registration is required.
  • NOAA | Coast - Various datasets, satellite imagery, free, registration is NOT required.
  • BELSPO | VITO - Low resolution satellite imagery, free, registration is required.
  • ESA | LandCover - Various datasets, free, registration is required.
  • OpenAerialMap - Aerial imagery, everyone contributes, free, registration is NOT required.
  • HGM | Atlas - Aerial imagery, various maps, free, registration is NOT required. AREA SPECIFIC: TURKEY

Paid Resources

  • Digitalglobe - High resolution satellite imagery, paid, registration is required.
  • EOS - High resolution satellite imagery, LIDAR, paid, registration is required.