
Exporting data using phpIPAM API, converting to CSV format and writing to the file

Primary LanguagePython


Exporting data using phpIPAM API, converting to CSV format and writing to the file

Installing Requirements

  • Python 2
    • CentOS
      • yum install -y python2
      • pip2 install requests
    • Ubuntu/Debian
      • apt-get install -y python2
      • pip2 install requests
  • Python 3
    • CentOS
      • yum install -y python3
      • pip3 install requests
    • Ubuntu/Debian
      • apt-get install -y python3
      • pip3 install requests

User Token In order to make requests without encryption and SSL operations, the following information in the "config.php" file should be as shown:

  • vi /var/www/html/phpipam/config.php
    • //$api_crypt_encryption_library = "mcrypt"
    • &api_allow_unsafe = true

API service must be opened over the interface and an API key must be created so that the "App security" information will be "User Token". Along with the APP ID information created in the API service, the server address, user name and password must be edited in the script.


Controller NameDescription
sectionsManages sections part of phpipam
subnetsManages Subnets and folder objects
foldersFolders is alias for subnets controller.
addressesManages IP addresses
vlansManages VLANs
l2domainsManages VLAN domains
vrfsManages VRF
toolsTools controller (special)
prefixPrefix controller (special)
user/allReturns all users 1.3 (rwa app permissions required)
user/adminsReturns admin users 1.3 (rwa app permissions required)

  • python2/3 phpIPAM_with_user_token.py controller_name
    • python2/3 phpIPAM_with_user_token.py addresses
    • python2/3 phpIPAM_with_user_token.py user/all