use gnome-disks
To change the login screen wallpaper go to
/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme >> and edit >> gdm3.css
find lockDialogGroup
ssh -X [computer name]@[ip gateway] -l [user name] x2x -east -to :0.0
open dconf
com > canonical > unity
minimize-speed-threshold 0 - 100
- click-action 'minimize'
- running-indicator-style 'SEGMENTED'
- middle-click-action 'previews'
- scroll-action 'cycle-windows'
- animate-show-apps false
- custom-theme-running-dots-color '#e95420'
Modify the number of system monitoring files
in Ubuntu
sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf
Add a line at the bottom
Then save and exit!
sudo sysctl -p
to check it
xset m default
Type Ahead search was removed completely from Nautilus, aka GNOME Files, since Artful. Luckily, there is a patch on GitHub that adds this functionality back to Nautilus 3.26.3, the version installed by default in Ubuntu 18.04. Now if you want to apply the patch and build Nautilus from source, go ahead, but there is a guy that did the job for us and provided a PPA to install the patched Nautilus directly:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubomir-brindza/nautilus-typeahead
Then upgrade using
sudo apt full-upgrade
and kill Files nautilus -q
it opens the xbindkeysrc config file
xdg-open .xbindkeysrc
Mouse buttons | Action detected as |
Left button | button 1 |
Press to wheel | button 2 |
Right button | button 3 |
Scroll wheel up | button 4 |
Scroll wheel down | button 5 |
Press "i" button under wheel undetectable in linux | |
Scroll hor_wheel right (up) | button 6 |
Scroll hor_wheel left (down) | button 7 |
Side-bottom button | button 8 |
Side-top button | button 9 |
Thumb button | Ctrl+Alt+Tab |
gsettings set show-mounts false