Producer-Consumer-Problem (Homework)

Implement a C program that is explained below using WinAPI. In this homework, we want you to create “n>=5” pipes. These pipes should send information from parent process to child processes. The pipes should send information about what kind of operation it will perform (producer, consumer or swapper) and the value it produces if it is a producer process.

The pipes will carry out three types of data;
 {char* producer}
 {char* consumer}
 {char* swapper}

Different from the Producer/Consumer problem you have an additional task called the “Swapper”. The “Swapper” has a task to swap index values. However, while performing the swapping task, at least one of the indexes should be full. Deciding the indexes should be random, therefore, your “Swapper” should generate two random indexes, based on your buffer size.

The tasks of child processes should be given and decided by the parent process. The information should be generated multiple times, randomly and passed their tasks through a pipe to its child processes.

After each process obtain their tasks from the pipes. All the child processes should try to perform their given operation concurrently on buffer. The buffer should be a shared memory that will give access for the child processes and your buffer size should be equal to the number of processes that you have created. You should print every operation on the console to show which child is doing which operation on the buffer.

Your output should look like this:

child 1 produced 8 as 5 th entry in the buffer
child 2 consumed 8 from 5 th entry from the buffer
child 2 produced 11 as 4 th entry in the buffer
child 3 produced 2 as 9 th entry in the buffer
child 4 swapped 4 th index with 9 th index
child 1 consumed 2 from 4 th entry from the buffer
child 4 swapped 9 th index with 3 rd index
child 2 consumed 11 from 3 rd index