
The Collector is a Ruby script client which persists Wordpress plugin, Drupal module and core versions to a Vista master server.

Primary LanguageRuby

Vista Collector

The Collector is a Ruby script client which persists Wordpress plugin, Drupal module and core versions to a Vista master server. To collect the Wordpress/Drupal data, the app uses WP-CLI and Drush, so be sure to install that first on your servers.


Installation Clients

You put the Clients on a server with Wordpress projects. You set up the cron job (which is a single command), and they will run on the intervals you set up.

# On your server with all website directories
git clone git@github.com:tolgap/vista-collector.git
cd vista-collector/

Install the gems with bundler

bundle install

Proceed to set up the settings file in the config folder

cd config/
cp example-settings.rb settings.rb

If you enable predefined lists, then copy the example-directories.json

cd config/
cp example-directories.json directories.json

It has to be called settings.rb because that's what the collector.rb clients will be looking for.


To run the cucumber tests, you need to allocate a database for WP-CLI to download Wordpress installations and set up it's database. This can be done from a simple script included.

cd vista-collector/

Enter your MySQL admin user and the password and it will create a wp_cli_test user and database, identified with the password password1.

Then you can run the cucumber tests:

bundle exec cucumber

The operation can take a lot of time

The actual fetching of data using WP-CLI takes a lot of time, as it has to query multiple requests to the Wordpress.org repository to find out of the plugins need an update or not. So the rules are simple: the more websites you have running in your directory, the longer it will take. It usually takes around 3 seconds per website to gather the data.

The Drupal data fetching takes even more time. It's estimated that an average website, with about 20 modules, takes a full minute.

Setup the cron job for Clients

Of course, you want the clients to work autonomously. This is done by setting up a cron job. The gem whenever is used for this. The whenever gem will setup your crontab with values in your settings.rb intervals.

cd vista-collector/
# Check whether your cron job looks ok (!!this does not change anything yet, don't worry!!)
# output => 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /your/dir/ && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake collect_all --silent'
# If that looks ok, then update your crontab using
whenever --update-crontab

And your Vista clients will start pushing data to the server you set up in the settings.rb file in the intervals you also defined in there.

Running without cron jobs

Although this project is set up to be autonomous using cron jobs, you can run the Collector manually using this command

cd -vista-collector/
bundle exec rake collect_all

And it will push the data to the master server.