
Combining the popular face_recognition library with a simple flask backend

Primary LanguagePython

Face API

Version License: MIT

Combining the popular face_recognition library with a simple flask backend that can receive images and respond with the labeled ones, without saving them locally.

💾 Install

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

🚀 Usage

  • To run the server with the sample model
python3 api.py
  • To train your own KNN classifier with your dataset, place your images according to the structure below:
        ├── <person1_name>/
        │   ├── <someimage1>.jpeg
        │   ├── <someimage2>.jpeg
        │   ├── ...
        ├── <person2_name>/
        │   ├── <someimage1>.jpeg
        │   └── <someimage2>.jpeg
        └── ...
python3 train.py

The trained model will be placed in the root folder, named as "trained_knn_model.clf"

  • Send POST requests to the /upload endpoint with a file on them as form-data Postman

Sample results of using it as the backend of a web page


📝 License