

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Docker Cheat Sheet

Docker Commands

  • docker run <image_name>
    Run an image

  • docker run <image_name> <command>
    Run an image with a command (it is replacing RUN default command which is already exist in docker image itself)

  • docker ps
    Display running containers

  • docker ps --all = docker ps -a
    Display all created containers

  • docker run <image_name> = docker create <image_name> + docker start -a <container_id>
    -a : show output

  • docker run -d <image_name>
    -d : Run in the background and it will just return the id of the running container

  • docker run <image_name> <command>
    <command> : Run image with a command instead of default command

  • docker start -a <container_id>
    Run created container (you can run again a container which is already created which you listed with docker ps -a)

  • docker system prune
    It is gonna remove:

    • all stopped containers
    • all networks not used by at least one working container
    • all dangling images
    • all build cache
  • docker logs <container_id>
    Printing logs of container (for example if you forgot to put -a while starting the container, you can use that command to see what happened)

  • docker attach <container_id>
    Attaching our terminal to the running container and we can see outputs and we can give inputs.

  • docker stop <container_id>
    That one sending a SIGTERM message to container. With this signal, container complete it is process and than close itself and it can take some time.

  • docker kill <container_id>
    That one sending a SIGKILL message to container. With this signal, container kill itself IMMEDIATELY

  • docker exec -it <container_id> <command>
    Execute an additional(second) command in container.
    -it = -i + -t = allows us to enter some input with given command and show output of command (if command has input of course)
    -i = adding input channel
    -t = display output with proper format (it adds auto complete also)


    • docker run redis
      it is gonna run redis-server
    • docker exec -it <redis_container_id> redis-cli
      it is gonna run redis-cli and give chance us to use cli to get or set values to our redis-server
  • docker exec -it <container_id> sh OR docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
    sh or /bin/bash gives full terminal access of that container. (bash or sh changes according to container)

  • docker run -it <image_name> sh
    We can directly run a image with -it and sh and we can directly interactive with the container.

  • docker build -t tolga/redis:latest .
    -t means tag the image which we created. Tags are created with given pathern <your_docker_id>/<image_name>:<version(optional)>
    . means build Dockerfile in current directory

  • docker build -f Dockerfile.dev .
    -f means file which docker should be built from.

  • docker run -p <incoming_request_port_on_local_host>:<port_inside_the_container> <image_name>
    Docker run with port mapping (Ex: docker run -p 8080:8080 myImage)

  • docker run -v <bookmarked_volume_path> -v <local_path>:<mapped_volume> <image_name>
    There are two usage of -v we have in docker:

    • If we put : while giving the volume (in command: -v <local_path>:<mapped_volume>), it means we are mapping our local_path with the mapped_volume. That means we are actually using the local_path as volume and mapped_volume is just used as reference of our local_path.
    • If we do NOT put : while giving volume path (in command: -v <bookmarked_volume_path>), it is going to put bookmark on given path. That means we are saying if we map that volume somehow, do not use bookmarked_volume_path as a reference. Use it still as a memory inside the docker container.
    Real example for both cases:

    docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/app myReactAppImage
    Here we are using our pwd as app. And app just a reference for our current directory. We actually mapped all app directory. But inside the app directory, we bookmarked the node_modules. And we are saying keep that node_modules outside of that mapping and use node_modules which is already exists inside the docker container.

Docker File Properties

  • FROM <base_image>
    Specify base image (ex: FROM alpine)

  • FROM <base_image> as <step>
    Specify base image and give as step. We can use it as multistep buildings.

  • WORKDIR <Path>
    Any following command will be executed relative to this path in the container

  • RUN <Command>
    Run the given command (ex: RUN apk add --update redis)

  • CMD ["<command>"]
    cmd gives startup command to the image. (ex: CMD ["redis-server"], ex: CMD ["npm", "start"])

  • COPY <copy_path_from_your_computer> <destination_path_inside_the_image>
    It copy files/directories from your computer to the image. (ex: COPY ./ ./)

  • COPY --from=<step> <copy_path_from_step> <destination_path_inside_the_image>
    If we use multistep builds we can give step name --from=<step> which means copy from that image step

  • EXPOSE <port>
    We do not need to say -p before run the image inside the elasticbeanstalk. For local computer it means nothing and it is not going to do anything automatically.

  • Multistep Docker file example :

     FROM node:alpine as builder
     WORKDIR '/app'
     COPY . .
     RUN npm install
     RUN npm run build
     FROM nginx
     COPY --from=builder /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html

Docker Compose File & Commands

Docker Compose File

  • Simple docker-compose.yml example:

     version: '3'
     		image: 'redis'
     		build: .
     			- "8081:8081"

In given file, we have two services one is directly image 'redis' and other one is build . (our docker image). And for our image we mapped port 8081 to 8081 as we did in run command

PS: Do NOT forget to change redis url as redis-server in application.yaml or settings file which you have to connect right redis server!

  • docker-compose file restart policies:

    • 'no' : Never attempt to restart this container it it stops or crashes.
    • always: If this container stops for any reason always attempt to restart it
    • on-failure: Only restart if the container stops with an error code
    • unless-stopped: Always restart unless user forcibly stop it


     	restart: always
     	build: .
     		- "8081:8081"
  • we can put -it tag also with stdin_open: true inside the docker-compose.

  • We can give Dockerfile also in build (Same as docker build -f Dockerfile.dev .)

     	context: .
     	dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
  • We can change also default command as we did in docker run command docker run <image_name> <command> :
    command: ["npm", "run", "test"]

Docker Compose Commands

  • docker-compose up
    Run docker compose file services

  • docker-compose up -d
    Run docker compose file services in the background

  • docker-compose ps
    Prints status of services which the compose file has.

  • docker-compose down
    Stop docker compose file services

  • docker-compose up --build
    Rebuild the images if exist and run docker compose

Kubernetes Commands & Notes

Kubernetes Commands

  • kubectl cluster-info
    Returns information about kubernetes server

  • kubectl apply -f <filename>
    Feeding a config file to Kubectl

  • kubectl get pods
    Print the status of all running pods.

  • kubectl get services
    Print the status of all services pods.

Kubernetes Notes

  • Each API version defines a different set of Objects which we can use and decleared as apiVersion: <Version> (Ex: apiVersion: v1, apiVersion: apps/v1...) at the beginning of the config file.

  • Config files of kubernetes create Objects which serve different purposes like running a container, monitoring a container, setting up networking, etc. Type of object decleared with kind: <TYPE> (Ex: kind: Service, kind: Pod...) in a config file. Object type examples of kubernetes:

    • StatefulSet
    • ReplicaController
    • Pod (runs one or more closely related containers)
    • Service (sets up networking in a Kubernetes Cluster). Some subtypes of service :
      • ClusterIP
      • NodePort (exposes a container to the outside world and only good for development porposes.)
      • LoadBalancer
      • Ingress
  • Kubernetes important takeaways:

    • Kubernetes is a system to deploy containerized apps
    • Nodes are individual machines (or virtual machines) that run containers
    • Masters are machines (or virtual machines) with a set of programs to manage nodes
    • Kubernetes didn't build our images. It got them from some hub or somewhere else
    • Kubernetes (the master) decided where to run each container - each node can run a dissimilar set of containers.
    • To deploy something, we upgrade the desired state of the master wuth a config file
    • The master works constantly to meet your desired state
  • Imperative Deployments : Do exactly there steps to arrive at this container setup
    Declarative Deployments : Our container setup should look like this make it happen


  • Dockerfile is the default file which keeps building commands. If you want to use another file you need to use -f while using docker build command.
  • docker-compose.yml is the default file for docker compose.
  • By default docker image can access any port from inside to outside. But to access any port of container from outside to inside, we have to define port mapping.
  • Ports do NOT have to be identical while running an image with port mapping
    (Ex: docker run -p 5000:8080 myImage -> this will redirect local port 5000 to docker port 8080)
  • What is docker compose? and what is the purpose?
    • Separate CLI that gets installed along with Docker
    • Used to start up multiple Docker containers at the same time
    • Automates some of the long-winded arguments we were passing to docker run
  • Docker compose commands looking for the current directory and searching for the docker-compose.yaml in the current directory.
  • Travis.ci works with travis.yaml
  • Kubernetes is a system for running many different containers over multiple different machines. It is used to run many different containers with different images.
  • Some notes about kubernetes:
    • Kubernetes expects all images to already be build
    • One config file per object we want to create
    • We have to manually set up all networking