
An Ansible role to install and configure oh-my-zsh for one or more users on macOS or Ubuntu.

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Ansible Role Oh My ZSH

This is a basic Ansible role to enable and configure Oh My Zsh on Ubuntu or MacOS. It should also work on many other *nix variants. It performs the following tasks:

  • Install and minimally configure Zsh:
    • make sure it exists,
    • set it as the default shell for the user specified by the role.
  • Install Oh My Zsh for each specified user (in ~/.oh-my-zsh by default).
  • Configure (Oh My) Zsh by optionally creating a .zshrc file for each specified user.
  • Alternately, configure Zsh by adding a block of lines to individual users' .zshrc files.

Role variables

Variable name Default value Description
omz_install_zsh false Defines whether or not the role should attempt to install Zsh.
omz_user [] The user to install/configure (Oh My) Zsh for. See below for its properties.
omz_user.name - The name of the user.
omz_user.group - The group of the user
omz_user.settings - Extra settings (as a mult-line string) such as variable exports or aliases to add to the user's .zshrc file. Only used if omz_zshrc_create is true.
omz_git_repository https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git The git repo to clone Oh My Zsh from.
omz_install_directory .oh-my-zsh The name of the directory to clone Oh My Zsh into.
omz_zshrc_create true Whether or not to create .zshrc. If true, will create .zshrc from a template.
omz_zshrc_template templates/zshrc.zsh-template.j2 The template used to create the user's .zshrc file when omz_zshrc_create is true.
omz_zshrc_backup true Whether or not to create backup the existing .zshrc files when the role changes it.
omz_zsh_theme robbyrussell See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_case_sensitive false See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_hyphen_insensitive false See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_disable_auto_update false See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_update_zsh_days 13 See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_disable_ls_colors false See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_disable_auto_title false See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_enable_correction false See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_completion_waiting_dots false See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_disable_untracked_files_dirty false See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_hist_stamps mm/dd/yyyy See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_zsh_custom $ZSH/custom See templates/zshrc.zsh-template.
omz_plugins [] A list of Oh My Zsh plugins to enable.
omz_host_settings [] Extra settings (as a list of strings) such as
key bindings or aliases to add to the user's .zshrc file for all users on the

Role task files

main.yml: task coordination

This file includes files that peform specific subsets of tasks.

zsh.yml: Zsh setup

This task installs and sets zsh as the default shell for a user.

Variables used

  • omz_user

oh-my-zsh-install.yml: Oh My Zsh installation

This task clones the Oh My Zsh repository into the user directory of each specified user and sets the appropriate permissions on the directory.

Variables used

  • omz_user
  • omz_install_directory
  • omz_git_repository
  • omz_install_path

oh-my-zsh-zshrc.yml: Oh My Zsh configuration

This task creates the user a .zshrc file containing global values for various Oh My Zsh options based on the .zshrc template in the oh-my-zsh repository. The task can be configured to back up any existing .zshrc file.

This task only runs when omz_zshrc_create is set to true.

Variables used

  • omz_user
  • omz_zshrc_template
  • omz_zshrc_backup

zsh-zshrc.yml: final Zsh configuration

This task adds individual lines to the .zshrc file. This is useful for adding Zsh settings on an already-existing .zshrc file without creating it from scratch.

This task only runs when omz_zshrc_create is set to false.

Variables used

  • omz_user
  • omz_zshrc_backup

Sample playbook

- name: Playbook
  hosts: all
  become: true

    omz_install_zsh: true
      - name: "lorem"
        group: "lorem"
        settings: ""
      - name: "ipsum"
        group: "ipsum"
        settings: |
          export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$path"
          alias l="ls -AF"
    - name: Run ansible-role-oh-my-zsh.
        name: "ansible-role-oh-my-zsh"
        omz_user: "{{ item }}"
        # Only create `.zshrc` for user 'lorem'; item.settings will be
        # appended to `.zshrc` for the user 'ipsum'.
        omz_zshrc_create: "{{ (item.name == 'lorem') | ternary(true, false) }}"
          - "autojump"
          - "git"
      with_items: "{{ users }}"