Ledgr is an open-source attempt at building something broadly similar to the self-logging site daytum.
To be absolutely clear, this is not intended to be a simple clone of Daytum; the "plan" is to build around a publicly available API (something Daytum thus far lacks) and to add features which I think would be useful.
If you're not familiar with daytum, the basic structure is:
Users have items (for example, 'Tea') which are members of categories ('Drinks') and can then make entries ('1 cup of tea at 12:15 on the 26th of July 2013').
On top of that are displays which have a type (e.g. bar chart) and which use the data for a particular category.
Pages have titles and show multiple displays; both the displays within a page and pages themselves are displayed in selectable order.
- fork and clone this repo
- set up secret_token.rb:
- Copy secret_token.rb.sample to secret_token.rb
- Put different strings in place of 'supersekrit' ("rake secret" will generate something valid)