This is a GUI variant of BIDS Dataset Description generator


  • Python 3.x
  • PyQt5


Executing from command line:

  1. Download and extract files from zip archive or clone the repository
  2. Open a terminal(Linux/macOS) or a PowerShell/CMD(Windows)
  3. In the terminal navigate to the directory containing "main.py"
  4. Execute command:
python main.py 
  • or (depending on Operating System):
python3 main.py

Executing from Spyder:

  1. Download and extract files from zip archive or clone the repository
  2. Open Spyder, in File tab select Open and navigate and open "main.py"
  3. Click on run file button

Executing from PyCharm:

  1. Open PyCharm
  2. Select Get from Version Control (or if a project is open from VCS tab select Get from Version Control)
  3. Enter repository URL: https://github.com/tolik-g/BIDS and import the project
  4. In PyCharm right click on main.py and select Run 'main'