
SocialHub is multi social media (SNS) client for Java and Objective-C (with J2ObjC)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

SocialHub Build Status

SocialHub is a multi social network service's API library written in Java, and can be complied to Objective-C by J2ObjC. and we can also use it with Kotlin and Swift too.

List of Social Media (SNS)


Work in Progress

Future Works

Most of all libraries are modified (remove complex dependency and unused functions in SocialHub) for compilation to Objective-C with J2ObjC.

Detail Documents

See Detail Documents

Code Sample


Code sample to authorize account and get account information.

/* JAVA */
// 1. Make Authorized Account Object

// For Twitter
TwitterAuth auth = SocialHub.getTwitterAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET);
Account account = auth.getAccountWithAccessToken(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_SECRET);

// For Mastodon
MastodonAuth auth = SocialHub.getMastodonAuth(HOST);
Account account = auth.getAccountWithAccessToken(ACCESS_TOKEN);

// 2. Request To SNS (all sns same interface)
User user = account.action().getUserMe();

Group Timeline

Code sample to get unified timeline comments from account group (two or more accounts).

/* JAVA */
// 1. Make Account Group
AccountGroup accounts = new AccountGroup();
accounts.addAccount((Account) twitterAccount);
accounts.addAccount((Account) mastodonAccount);

// 2. Get Home New Timeline
CommentGroup comments = accounts.action().getHomeTimeLine();

// 3. Get Past Timeline
CommentGroup pasts = comments.action().getPastComments();

if you want more samples, please see detail documents and test code.


J2ObjC is project aim to compile Java code to Objective-C code. SocialHub is adapted with J2ObjC compilation So, you can use SocialHub as an Objective-C library (also use in Swift) in MacOS or iOS application development. Travis CI compiles SocialHub and make SocialHub CocoaPods Repository. It's easy way to use this repository rather than compiling yourself.

Compile to Objective-C

To compile SocialHub to Objective-C framework, do following instructions. It's only executable on MacOS environment (This file is script of followings.)

  1. Download latest J2ObjC builds and unzip

    See: https://github.com/google/j2objc/releases

  2. Set J2ObjC path in local.properties file

  3. Build Objective-C libraries

    Build commands is written in j2objc.sh file. so execute it or do following commands. j2objc.gradle is gradle settings to make Objective-C library.

    ./gradlew -b j2objc.gradle clean :j2objcAssemble -x test
  4. Add dependency in your project

    After J2ObjC comple, cocoapod.spec will be created in ./build/j2objcOutputs folder, so you write SocialHub dependency in your CocoaPods project's Podfile like

    def j2objc_socialhub
        pod 'j2objc-SocialHub-debug', :configuration => ['Debug'], :path => '../shared/build/j2objcOutputs'
        pod 'j2objc-SocialHub-release', :configuration => ['Release'], :path => '../shared/build/j2objcOutputs'
        NOTE: this line must be added manually for the relevant targets:
  5. Use SocialHub in Swift

    Make bridging header, and write as following.

    #include "SocialHubHeader.h"


Author: @U_Akihir0