
making conversation between languages

Primary LanguageJava


talking across languages

What is it?

This is an exploratary attempt to have a fast communication between languages. There are many bridges and ways to do that but most of them have a limitation of coupling different langauge environments together, whether it's communcating over C bindings or running one VM inside another.

zlink takes a different approach: languages need to live and run in their own environements while communication should be done over pipes / channels / sockets, etc.

There are more to do:

  • good channel/ pipe abstraction
  • pluggable tech: i.e. zMQ, gRPC, etc.
  • communication topology
  • pluggable serialization
  • .. and more

ØMQ based communication

This example would run a Python server and have JVM client passing data to it and getting a response back over the ØMQ based pipe.

Start a ØMQ server

Start a zmq server in any language, say Python:

[zlink]$ python test/python/server.py

Start REPL

In a different terminal navigate to in zlink source root and start a zlink REPL:

[zlink]$ boot dev

Rock & Roll

=> (require '[zlink.core :as z])

;; data is anything that can be converted to bytes, in this case some JSON
=> (def message (.getBytes "[\"answer to the ultimate question of life universe and everything\"]"))

=> (def pipe (z/z-pipe "tcp://localhost:5555" z/json-in))
=> (pipe message)
["answer to the ultimate question of life universe and everything" 42]

that 42 was added by Python on the other side.

Silly Bench

9,000 chats/s these round trips include bytes to JSON on the way out.

=> (time (dotimes [_ 9000] (pipe message)))
"Elapsed time: 1022.295091 msecs"

Multiple Pipes

There are many ways to scale, we'll start from multiple blocking servers, say 10 Python listeners:

$ python src/zlink/lang/python/server.py
listening on: *:5555
listening on: *:5556
listening on: *:5557
listening on: *:5558
listening on: *:5559
listening on: *:5560
listening on: *:5561
listening on: *:5562
listening on: *:5563
listening on: *:5564

On the JVM side (REPL) instead of using req/rep simple pipe (z-pipe) let's use a fan-out pipe that would load balance messages across these 10 connections to Python listeners:

=> (require '[zlink.core :as z] '[jsonista.core :as json])
=> (def message (.getBytes "[\"answer to the ultimate question of life universe and everything\"]"))
=> (def fan (z/fan-out "deep-thought" 10 {:host "localhost" :port 5555}))

since we are after "going faster", let's try to decouple sends and receives by creating a separate speaker and listener:

=> (def speaker (z/speaker fan))

=> (def counter (atom 0))
=> (def listener (z/listen fan #(do (z/json-in %)
                                    (swap! counter inc))))

Whenever this listener receives an event it would read it in, parse it to JSON and increment the "counter". We would use the counter to measure roundtrips:

=> (z/measure-async speaker message 32000 counter)
"Elapsed time: 1041.430356 msecs"

32,000 messages/s, not bad. these round trips include bytes to JSON on the way out.

and could be improved: async server(s), calling servers in parallel, serialization, different zmq topology, etc.

gRPC based communication

Start a gRPC server

Start a gRPC server in any language, say Python:

[zlink]$ python grpc/python/server.py

Start REPL

In a different terminal navigate to in zlink source root and start a zlink REPL:

=> (require '[zlink.grpc.client :as gc])

=> (def piper (gc/piper "localhost" 50051))
=> piper
#object[io.data.pipe.PiperClient 0x414a1f16 "io.data.pipe.PiperClient@414a1f16"]

=> (def req (gc/request "[\"answer to the ultimate question of life universe and everything\"]"))
=> req
#object[io.data.pipe.DataRequest 0x3cacdc40 "data: \"[\\\"answer to the ultimate question of life universe and everything\\\"]\"\n"]
boot.user=> (gc/pipe-it piper req)
"[\"answer to the ultimate question of life universe and everything\", 42]"

42 came from the gRPC python server

Silly Bench

boot.user=> (time (dotimes [_ 2700] (gc/pipe-it piper req)))
"Elapsed time: 1004.712208 msecs"

Multiple Pipes

Starting 5 gRPC servers (i.e. 5 sockets) and making 5 pipes:

boot.user=> (time (gc/and-wait-for-all-async [p1 p2 p3 p4 p5] req 10000))
"Elapsed time: 1047.021289 msecs"

(5 is arbitrary, just to prove out "horizontal power")

ZeroMQ & Java Bindings

Since "ZeroMQ" is a default queuing mechanism, and zlink is JVM (Clojure), ZeroMQ libraries and Java bindings need to be installed, in order for zlink to run.

After ZeroMQ and JZMQ are installed, depending on a version of ZeroMQ (let's say it's ${zeromq.version}), a zeromq jar can be installed to local maven repo. The zmq.jar should live in /usr/local/share/java/, after JZMQ is installed. Just copy it somewhere, rename it to have a ${zeromq.version} (e.g. zmq-${zeromq.version}.jar), and:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./zmq-${zeromq.version}.jar -DgroupId=zmq -DartifactId=zmq -Dversion=${zeromq.version} -Dpackaging=jar

also export JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH to find native libs when running:



Copyright © 2019 tolitius

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.