
Collecting some Dockerfiles

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Random quote container collection

This repository contains a couple of Docker container definitions which are used to create some sample containers.

Disclaimer: these images are not kept up-to-date on a frequnent schedule, so never use them anywhere near production.


  • 2016-randomquote - a container which encapsulates the quote shell script - docker run --rm tolleiv/misc:randomquote
  • 2016-randomquotes - a container which encapsulates a shell script which loops forever - docker run --rm tolleiv/misc:randomquotes
  • 2016-elasticsearch_w_hq - a container which packs up ElasticSearch with the HQ plugin - docker run --rm tolleiv/misc:elasticsearch_w_hq
  • 2016-es_sampledata - a container which wraps a Python script to load dummy data into ElasticSearch - docker run -it tolleiv/misc:es_sampledata
  • 2017-puppet-spec - a small container wrapping Puppet Lint and Spec tests as described in the blog post from Tim Sharpe


MIT License