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SAS Cloud Rapid Deployment common templates

These templates assume a topology with an "ansible controller" VM and one or more SAS/Viya VMs.

The "ansible controller" serves as jump host into the environment, and may be the only machine with a public IP address.

The intent of these templates is to simplify the creation of software install templates for any cloud platform, any topology and for any product combination.

This project is meant to be included into the sas install directory on your ansible controller (e.g. git clone https://github.com/sassoftware/quickstart-sas-viya-common.git /sas/install/common)

Some parts of this project may be modified to fit your exact needs. Those parts (scripts, roles, or playbooks) you would copy into the corresponding scripts or playbooks directory in your project then modify.

Table of Contents

Overview: How to create your own Cloud Rapid Deployment template

  • create the infrastructure (networks, VMs, firewalls) using the cloud provider's templating language (e.g. AWS Cloudformation on AWS, Azure Resource Manager, terraform ... )
  • copy the contents of this project's ansible/playbooks into your project's ansible/playbooks
  • copy and modify the static topology definition files(ansible/playbooks/inventory.ini|group_vars) to match your topology
  • copy and modify any other parts of the scripts and playbooks that have cloud-specific elements and/or need to be adjusted for your environment
  • add any scripts or playbooks that are unique to your environment

How the playbooks and roles and scripts work

Most of the steps for the deployment are being implemented in ansible. You find all that code in the playbooks and roles directories.

Before we can start using ansible, we need to run some preparatory statements on the VMs. Execute the bootstrapping code scripts/ansiblecontroller_prereqs.sh during initialization of the ansible controller and scripts/sasnodes_prereqs.sh during initialization of all SAS VMs.

When you create your infrastructure, all the cloud providers' templating languages provide some way to execute bootstrapping code on the VMs (usually some form of cloud-init, often implemented as UserData VM attribute). That is where you run the prereq scripts, and, on the ansible controller, kick off the download of all other scripts and ansible playbooks and execute those scripts and playbooks.

First, you execute the bootstrapping scripts on each VM, which set up the necessary pieces so that the VMs can communicate with each other. After that, everything will be driven by a number of playbooks executed from the ansible controller.

You invoke a series of ansible playbooks, which in turn execute a number of roles. Using playbooks and roles allows us to clearly structure the process. Each logical step corresponds to a role, and the roles are grouped into separate playbook invocations which correspond to the main deployment steps (environment preparation, install, post-install steps etc.)

Controlling everything through ansible playbook roles allows us to

  • specify the topology in only one place: the inventory.ini file
  • define all global variables in only one place: the group_vars/all.yml file.
  • make any changes or overrides to individual steps by modifying the existing roles
  • adding steps as needed by simply adding additional roles

You can change the implementation of each role, or add additional roles.

To change the implementation of a role, copy it into the corresponding location in the ansible/roles directory in your project and modify it there. The overwritten role will automatically be picked up (controlled by an ansible search path option).

To add a role, write its implemention and put it into the ansible/roles directory in your project. Then edit one of the playbooks in your ansible/playbooks directory and add that role. Or add a playbook and make sure to invoke it from your ansible controller cloud-init script.

After running the prereq scripts, copy the contents of your project and the contents of this "common" project into the following file structure on the ansible controller

|-- common
|   |-- ansible
|       `-- playbooks
|       `-- roles
|   `-- scripts
|-- ansible
|   `-- playbooks
|   `-- roles
`-- scripts

(use the scripts/download_file_tree.sh as an example )

The playbooks are run as the installation user from /sas/install/ansible/playbooks.

The roles search path is set in /sas/install/ansible/playbooks/ansible.cfg as roles_path = /sas/install/ansible/roles:/sas/install/common/ansible/roles. That means any roles in /sas/install/ansible/roles will be used first. All the remaining roles for which you did not provide an IAAS specific implementation will be found in /sas/install/common/ansible/roles.

NB: All roles executed via the playbooks are tagged with their name. E.g. if you want to run prepare_nodes.yml and exclude set_host_routing, invoke it with

ansible-playbook prepare_nodes.yml --skip-tags set_host_routing

Installation users

All scripts and templates are written to be executed by an "installation user" with sudo privileges. It needs to be the same user on all VMs.

AWS Azure Google
ec2-user vmuser sasinstall


VM post initialization -executed on the individual hosts

  1. Ansible controller VM setup (optional)

    Additional bootstrapping on the ansible controller. Should be called inline in VM bootstrap ("user-data" section or equivalent):

    • yum installs
    • security config
    • ...
  2. Ansible controller VM prereqs

    Preparing ansible:

    • install java, ansible, git
    • export nfs share
    • create ansible ssh key
     --->/tmp/prereqs.sh &> /tmp/prereqs.log
  3. SAS VMs setup (optional)

    CLOUD SPECIFIC implementation

    Additional bootstrapping on the sas nodes.

    Should be called inline in VM bootstrap ("user-data" section or equivalent).

    • yum installs
    • security config
    • ...
  4. SAS VMs prereqs

    Preparing ansible:

    • mount nfs share
    • set ansible ssh key
    • post readiness flag
     --->��/tmp/prereqs.sh &> /tmp/prereqs.log
  5. Ansible controller: download project files

    Download all the additional scripts and playbooks need for the deployment.

    This script loops over the contents of the file file_tree.txt which was created using the script common/scripts/create_file_tree.sh. It downloads the files from the IAAS specific storage location and puts the into /sas/install on the ansible controller.

    The script has implementation for AWS, Azure, and GCP and requires the following environment variables to be set:

       FILE_ROOT=<IAAS specific location>

    Example invocation (for AWS):

       - su -l ec2-user -c 'IAAS=aws FILE_ROOT=${S3_FILE_ROOT} /tmp/download_file_tree.sh &>/tmp/download_file_tree.log'
       - S3_FILE_ROOT: !Sub "${QSS3BucketName}/${QSS3KeyPrefix}"

Input parameter validation

As much as possible, input parameter validation should happen in the IAAS template. But the templates have different capabilities, and not everything can be checked at that level.

For example, the template checking mechanism might be able to determine that the name of the SOE file is a valid file name, but it will likely not be able to check that it actually contains a SAS license.

It is good practice to add additional checking as early as possible. We want to avoid setting up and configuring infrastructure
only to fail 20 minutes in because the specified Mirror location does not actually contain a valid mirror etc.

  • verify ssl
  • verify hosted zone
  • verify mirror
  • verify elb has been created
  • verify bucket not public

Additional preparatory steps - driven by ansible from the ansible controller

The playbook playbooks\prepare_nodes.yml does additional steps needed before installing SAS, including

  • host routing
  • volume attachments
  • setting up directories and users

Logs are routed to /var/log/sas/install/prepare_nodes.yml

Example invocation:

export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/sas/install/prepare_nodes.log
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/sas/install/ansible/playbooks/ansible.cfg
ansible-playbook -v /sas/install/ansible/playbooks/prepare_nodes.yml \
               -e "USERLIB_DISK=/dev/xvdl" \
               -e "SAS_INSTALL_DISK=/dev/xvdg" \
               -e "CASCACHE_DISK="
  1. Wait for all SAS VMs to be ready

    Waits for all hosts to post their readiness flag in the /sas/install/nfs/readiness_flags directory.

    The default timeout is set to 20 minutes. It should be similar to or smaller than the timeout set on the resource creation for the SAS VMs in your IAAS. (If you let the IAAS template fail on a resource creation the error message is likely going to be more helpful and immediate than having to scour the ansible logs). For example AWS CloudFormation has this EC2 attribute:

            Timeout: 'PT20M'
    Role: prepare_nodes/wait_for_viya_vms
  2. Set up hosts routing

    Add routing information into the /etc/hosts file on all machines and set hostnames. This is not needed if other host routing mechanisms are in place (e.g. Azure provides a built-in dns server that allows to set hostnames for the VMs).

    (Reminder: to skip this role, add --skip-tags set_host_routing to the playbook invocation)

    Role: prepare_nodes/set_host_routing
  3. Create SASWORK dir

    Creates the /sastmp/saswork directory on all machines in the [ProgrammingServicesServers] host group.

         SASWORK_DIR: "/sastmp/saswork"     
    Role: prepare_nodes/create_saswork_dir
  4. Mount disks

    Mounts disks on the SAS VMs for the SAS Installation directory and user library

    Host Groups:
         SAS_INSTALL_DIR: "/opt/sas"
         USERLIB_DIR: "/opt/sas/viya/config/data/cas"       
    Role: prepare_nodes/create_saswork_dir
  5. Mount disks for CAS Cache

    CLOUD SPECIFIC implementation

    Mounts disks on the SAS VMs for the SAS Installation directory and user library

    Host Groups:
         CASCACHE_DIR: "/sastmp/cascache"
       extra_vars: CASCACHE_DISK
    Role: prepare_nodes/mount_disk
          If no disk is passed in it assumes ephemeral disks or no mount and executes

IAAS specific setup steps:


  • cloudwatch log
  • messages

Set up Users (OpenLDAP install)

The playbook ansible/playbooks/openldapsetup.yml sets up an OpenLDAP server that can be used as initial identity provider for SAS Viya. Out of the box, these two groups and users are being created:

   Group: sasadmin
    User: sasadmin
   Group: sasusers
    User: sasuser

You can edit the user_list variable in group_vars/openldapall.yml to create additional users in the sasusers group.

    Host Groups:
       OpenLdapServer: single machine that runs the OpenLDAP server
       OpenLdapClients: all machines to configure with the openldap server  
       - group_vars/openldapall.yml
       - OLCROOTPW: base64 encoded password for adminuser
       - OLCUSERPW: base64 encoded password for sasuser  

Example invocation (from aws cfn-init):

  command: !Sub
    - |
      if [ -n "${ADMINPASS}" ]  && [ -n "${USERPASS}" ]; then
        su -l ec2-user -c '
          export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/sas/install/openldap.log
          export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/sas/install/ansible/playbooks/ansible.cfg
          ansible-playbook -v /sas/install/ansible/playbooks/openldapsetup.yml \
            -e "OLCROOTPW='${ADMINPASS}'" \
            -e "OLCUSERPW='${USERPASS}'"
    - USERPASS: !Base64
        "Ref": SASUserPass
      ADMINPASS: !Base64
        "Ref": SASAdminPass

Prepare Deployment

The playbook ansible/playbooks/prepare_deployment.yml does additional steps needed before installing SAS, including

  • download sas-orchestration
  • set up access to deployment mirror (optional)
  • build playbook from SOE file
  • modify inventory.ini and vars.yml

Logs are routed to /var/log/sas/install/prepare_deployment.yml

       - DEPLOYMENT_MIRROR: location of pre-existing deployment mirror
       - DEPLOYMENT_DATA_LOCATION: location of SOE file
       - ADMINPASS: base64 encoded password for adminuser
       - VIYA_VERSION: 3.3 or 3.4

Example invocation:

   command: !Sub
      - |
      su -l ec2-user -c '
         export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/sas/install/prepare_deployment.log
         export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/sas/install/common/ansible/playbooks/ansible.cfg
         ansible-playbook -v /sas/install/common/ansible/playbooks/prepare_deployment.yml \
            -e "DEPLOYMENT_MIRROR=${DeploymentMirror}" \
            -e "DEPLOYMENT_DATA_LOCATION=${DeploymentDataLocation}" \
            -e "ADMINPASS=${ADMINPASS}" \
            -e "VIYA_VERSION=${VIYA_VERSION}"
      - VIYA_VERSION: !GetAtt LicenseInfo.ViyaVersion
        ADMINPASS: !Base64
           "Ref": SASAdminPass
  1. Download sas-orchestration cli

    Download the sas viya orchestration cli

    Host Groups:
    Role: prepare_deployment/download_orchestration_cli
  2. Provide Access to Mirror Repository

    CLOUD SPECIFIC implementation

    Provides access to SAS repository mirror files The repository mirror needs to have been created earlier.

    For AWS, we do the following

    • create mirror directory
    • downloads mirror files from s3
    • set up web server
    Host Groups:
    Role: prepare_deployment/deployment_mirror
  3. Download SOE file

    CLOUD SPECIFIC implementation

    in AWS the SOE file, DEPLOYMENT_DATA_LOCATION, is stored in S3

    Host Groups:
    Role: prepare_deployment/download_soe_file
  4. Create viya playbook

    runs the sas-orchestration cli against the soe file

    Host Groups:
          DEPLOYMENT_MIRROR (optional)
    Role: prepare_deployment/create_viya_playbook
  5. Modify sas_viya_playbook/vars.yml

    Makes any topology related changes in vars.yml.

    Host Groups:
          PostgresPrimaryServer host group
    Role: prepare_deployment/update_vars
  6. Modify sitedefault.yml

    Copies sitedefault.yml from the openldap playbook (if that was run) or else creates it. Makes any topology related changes in sitedefault.yml.

    Host Groups:
    Role: prepare_deployment/update_sitedefault
  7. Modify inventory

    Copies /sas/install/common/playbooks/inventory.ini to the beginning of /sas/install/sas_viya_playbook/inventory.ini and distributes the servers across the viya host groups.

    Host Groups:
    Role: prepare_deployment/update_inventory
  8. Download the VIRK predeployment playbook

    Make the VIRK pre-install playbook available

    Host Groups:
       extra_vars: VIYA_VERSION
    Role: prepare_nodes/get_virk


The VIRK pre-install playbook covers most of the Viya Deployment Guide prereqs in one fell swoop.

It is being installed with the prepare_nodes/get_virk role in the prepare_nodes.yml playbook, into the location `VIRK_DIR: /sas/install/ansible/virk'

Example invocation (run as install user):

export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/sas/install/virk.log
export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=/sas/install/ansible/sas_viya_playbook/inventory.ini
ansible-playbook -v /sas/install/ansible/virk/playbooks/pre-install-playbook/viya_pre_install_playbook.yml \
 -e "use_pause=false" \
 --skip-tags skipmemfail,skipcoresfail,skipstoragefail,skipnicssfail,bandwidth

NOTE: We are using inventory.ini from the SAS Viya playbook. One reason for this is: VIRK uses the [sas-all] host group, which only available after setting up the SAS Viya playbook and merging is with the project inventory.ini.

Install Viya

Invoke the SAS Viya playbook.

Logs are routed to /var/log/sas/install/prepare_deployment.yml

Example invocation:

export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/sas/install/viya_deployment.log
pushd /sas/install/ansible/sas_viya_playbook
  ansible-playbook -v site.yml

Post Deployment Steps

Some steps can only be run after the deployment.

Example Invocation (as always, run as install user):

export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/sas/install/post_deployment.log
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/sas/install/ansible/playbooks/ansible.cfg
ansible-playbook -v /sas/install/ansible/playbooks/post_deployment.yml
  1. Create Shared Backup directory

    The Viya Backup/Restore manager requires a shared common location called "sharedVault". In short, the backup works in 2 steps: 1 - it creates a local backup on a disk location local to each VM 2 - it copies and consolidates the local backups into a shared location. http://go.documentation.sas.com/?cdcId=calcdc&cdcVersion=3.3&docsetId=calbr&docsetTarget=p0mo412bkanvwwn1off0b1gd10tz.htm&lo

    The vault location needs to be set to the "sas" user. The "sas" user is created by the VIRK playbook, so this step needs to run at some time after VIRK.

    We have two roles for this:

    • create_shared_backup_dir creates a directory on the [SharedVaultServer] and exports it as nfs export
    • mount_shared_backup_dir mounts the directory on all [sas-servers]

    NB: the location of the backup directory is set in sitedefault.yml as


    See the prepare_deployment/update_sitedefault role for details.

    Host Group:
    Role: post_deployment/create_shared_backup_dir
  2. Mount Shared Backup directory

    For details, see the previous section "Create Shared Backup Directory"

    Host Group:
    Role: post_deployment/mount_shared_backup_dir
  3. Install MySQL clilent

    Installs the mysql client 5.6 on workspace server and cas controller

    Host Group: 
    Role: post_deployment/install_mysql_client

Restart Services

Finally, sometimes the most current orchestration does not leave all services started. When this happens, a restart is required to fix the issue.

Example Invocation (as always, run as install user):

export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/sas/install/ansible/playbooks/ansible.cfg
ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/sas/install/post_service_restart.log \
    time ansible-playbook -v /sas/install/common/ansible/playbooks/restart_services.yml

All code is inline and no child roles are called for this function.