
Modern containerized boilerplate for Django & React projects. With batteries included. Django | React | Nginx | Redis | Celery | PostgreSQL

Primary LanguagePython

Dockerised Django-React

A modern production-ready boilerplate for Django & React (full-stack) projects. Setup with Docker


  • django: Backend. Served with Gunicorn
  • react: Frontend
  • nginx: Serves production build of the frontend and acts as reverse proxy for the backend.
  • redis: Message broker for Celery
  • celery: Asynchronous task queue
  • db: Postgres database


  • docker compose build : Build the services.
  • docker compose up : Start all the services in their respective containers.
  • docker compose down: Stop all services.
  • docker compose run --rm <service> <command> : Run one-off commands on any service. For instance: If you want to run migrations in the django service, you can execute docker compose run --rm django python3 manage.py migrate