
Distribute and run locomotive instructions to robotic rovers on a plateau.

Primary LanguagePython

Mars Rover

A program to distribute locomotive instructions to clusters of robotic rovers on a plateau with known boundary values. Each rover executes a set of instructions to move and change orientation.

Input contains:

- Plateau's top-right coordinates assuming the land is rectangular and the bottom-left coordinate is 0,0.
- Each rover's landing position in the format `x y r` where x and y represents rover's cartesian position
  and r represents rover's orientation which can be N, E, W or S (The four cardinal points).
- Instructions for each rover to execute. Each instruction is a string of characters containing `L`, `R` and/or `M`.
  `L` tells rover to rotate 90 degrees to the left. `R` tells rover to rotate 90 degrees to the right.
  `M` tells rover to move one unit forward in the direction of its orientation.

See more on input in the usage section.


- Python 3.8
- Make utility


To install requirements, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt in terminal.


All make command should be run in the 'Mars Rover' project directory.

Run test

To run test, run make test in terminal.

Build application

To build application, run make build in terminal.

Clean build

To clean previous build, run make clean in terminal.

Usage Pre-requisites

  • After build, the executable program is stored inside 'dist' folder of the project directory. You can run the program from the 'dist' folder. For example: ./dist/app -h

  • To run the executable program directly. Add the 'dist' path to the system's '$PATH'. To do this: - Ensure that your working directory is the project's directory - Run export PATH="$(pwd)/dist:$PATH" Now you can run the executable program 'app' directly in the terminal. For example: app -h


  • To accept input from a file, simply run ./dist/app <filepath> OR app <file_path>. Example: - app input.txt

  • To accept input from the command line, use the '-p' and '-r' flags. -p: takes one input representing the plateau input. -r: takes list of inputs representing per rover landing/instruction input. Example: - app -p "Plateau:5 5" -r "Rover1 Landing:1 2 N" "Rover1 Instructions:LMLMLMLMM" "Rover2 Landing:3 3 E" "Rover2 Instructions:MMRMMRMRRM"

  • Use the -h to print the help message. For example: app -h