
Fan Mission Selector for the NewDark versions of System Shock 2, Thief 1 & Thief 2 and for the Sneaky Upgraded version of Thief 3.

Primary LanguageVisual Basic .NET

Thief Fan Mission Manager

A Thief 1,2,3 & System Shock 2 Mission Loader

Fan Mission Selector for the NewDark versions of System Shock 2, Thief 1 & Thief 2 and for the Sneaky Upgraded version of Thief 3. You need to have the .NET Framework 4.6.1 installed on your pc for this to work.

Discussion thread on TTLG.com | Demo video of latest build


  1. Download the archive from this page and unzip its contents to a folder of your choosing. Don't put it in a game folder, but put it in its own folder. All games will be configured to run this launcher.
  2. Edit the cam_mod.ini file for each NewDark game to use this launcher instead of fmsel.
  3. Edit the SneakyOptions.ini file to use this launcher instead of fmsel.
  4. When the launcher is opened the first time, go into settings and define your fan mission archive folder(s).
  5. After the folders are defined, click the Sync FM button at the bottom to begin parsing mission files. You might not see anything in the grid for a few minutes.
  6. Once the mission have been parsed and the grid is populated, you are ready to go. Whenever you add or delete a mission archive, be sure to re-sync.


  1. Edit MissionName, Author, ReleaseDate by clicking in the cell and start typing, or click 2-3 times for it to enter edit mode. Changes are saved as you click out of the row.
  2. Copy metadata from one mission to another by dragging the source row to the target row.
  3. If the detected mission type (Ver column) is incorrect, double-click to change it.
  4. Click on the stars in the Rating column to set your rating for each mission. Click the very left edge of the first star to set it to zero.
  5. Use the Status column to keep track what what missions are in progress or completed and what difficulty you completed. The older choices of No, Yes, Normal, Hard, Expert were left in for backward compatibility and will be removed in the future. Change any status' which use these and don't use them going forward.
  6. Use the User Notes tab for each mission to keep notes about that mission.
  7. Type in the Filter textbox to search by FileName, MissionName, and Author. Clear the textbox to show all missions.
  8. Click the Sync button after missions have been added or deleted from your archive folder to update the mission list.
  9. The Max Cash checkbox (for T1 & T2) gives you the maximum cash available to use for loadouts.
  10. Click the down-arrow next to the Play Fan Mission button to play the original missions.
  11. Double-clicking in a file or folder column will open the file or folder with the default program.
  12. Closing the program by using the Exit menu item or closing the main window will exit without launching the game.
  13. Don't forget to click Help / About & Tips for these tips and donation links to support development if you like the launcher.

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