Utilities to work with TolTEC images and PyBDSF

Author: Grant Wilson



This is a continually growing class that works directly with the Citlali output FITS files. The member methods are pretty explicit in what they do and the code is simple enough to see the methods. But in short, with this you can: read in images do weight cuts plot images subtract single sources from images subtract subsets or entire catalogs of sources add sources Of course, all of these tasks can probably be improved, but I'm pretty happy so far with how they work.

Usage Example:
  from ToltecSignalFits import ToltecSignalFits
  tf1p1 = ToltecSignalFits(<path to citlali output fits files>, array='a1100')
  tf1p1.plotMap('signal_I', vmin=-0.1, vmax=3.)


This is a helper class for reading in and reformatting PyBDSF catalogs. This is much less sophisticated than ToltecSignalFits.py but I find it useful all the same. The class pulls data from the ...srl.FITS file in the catalog directory of the pyBdsf reduction. This class can be combined with ToltecSignalFits class to extract point source photometry using PSF fitting

Usage Example:

  from BdsfCat import BdsfCat
  pb = BdsfCat(<path to srl.FITS file>)
  #tab_phot.astrotab is the astropy table, while tab_phot.index is an index array   indicating where in the BdsfCat (pb) the weight in the signal is above that  set in the TolTecSignalFits class


This is a helper class for reading in and reformatting the simu input source lists that are used by tolteca simu to populate point sources in simulated maps. This class has a method (inphotPS) to perform PSF photometry at the input sources coordinates using a ToltecSignalFits object. Once inphotPS is used, one can plot the comparison between input and observed fluxes.

Usage Example:

  from SimuInputSources import SumuInputSources
  fluxLimit = 1.0     #in mJy
  sq = SimuInputSources(sourceFile, fluxLimit=fluxLimit)


This class manages matching a SimuInputSources catalog with a pyBdsf catalog. There are several assumptions used in the matching methods and so a user should read that part of the code carefully. The output is a set of dictionaries of matches, false detections, and unmatched input sources. It can be combined with the ToltecSignalFits class to extract the PSF photometry of a BdfsCat and plot the comparisons between PSF photometry-PyBDSF photometry-and input matched fluxes.

Usage Example:

  from CatalogMatch import CatalogMatch
  pb = BdsfCat('foo.srl.fits')
  sq = SimInputSources('squareCat.csv')
  cm = CatalogMatch(pb, sq, matchDist=4.*u.arcsec, matchFluxRatioTarget=1.)
  tf = ToltecSignalFits("squarecatReduction/", array='a1100')
  cm.plotOverlays(tf, vmin=-0.1, vmax=2.0, title='')


This is a script that shows how to use ToltecSignalFits.py to subtract a catalog of sources. Note that it's a script, so you'll have to edit all the paths to point them someplace useful.


This is a script that uses pyBdsf to identify sources. This will generate a catalog that the scripts above can read and use. I don't have pyBdsf installed on my laptop so I just run this script on Unity.


This is a helper class for reading and working with Astropy tables. This class can be combined with BdsfCat and SimuInputSources classes to plot the comparison between input fluxes and PSF photometry.

See BdfsCat and SimuInputSources for examples:

How to Contribute

Please share any development you do with these tools by opening a pull request.