
Riot Games League of Legends Api for .NET framework written in C#.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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# RiotApi.NET [![NuGet](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/RiotApi.NET.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/RiotApi.NET/) [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/ij46s81pk4cjbgmr?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/sdesyllas/riotapi-net) [![Stories in Ready](https://badge.waffle.io/sdesyllas/RiotApi.NET.svg?label=ready&title=Ready)](http://waffle.io/sdesyllas/RiotApi.NET)

This is a .net Api for Riot Games League of Legends written in C#. The goal of this project is to provide a higher level of interaction with the Riot's API Rest service, json responses are deserialized to objects and all methods of the service are called via an Interface with all supported methods as documented by Riot.

In other words this project is a C# wrapper client that can be used within any kind of .net application or any other application using .net mono framework.

#Install The easiest way to install this api to your project is using NuGet

To install RiotApi.NET, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package RiotApi.NET

Ofcourse you can always download the source code and use it in your project as you like.

#How to use The usage of the RiotApi.Net is a piece of cake! In less than three lines of code you can retrieve any data from Riot's services. For instance you can fetch all free to play champions and print them to screen as you can see in the following example.

Example using Api Loader (recommended way)

First import the appropriate libraries

using RiotApi.Net.RestClient;
using RiotApi.Net.RestClient.Configuration;

Then create an http Riot client and make a call to champions API

var riotClient = RiotApiLoader.CreateHttpClient("your api key here");
//retrieve all current free to play champions
var championList = riotClient.Champion.RetrieveAllChampions(RiotApiConfig.Regions.NA, freeToPlay: true);
//print the number of free to play champions
Console.WriteLine($"There are {championList.Champions.Count()} free to play champions to play with!");
response => There are 17 free to play champions to play with!

Example using dependency injection within your application kernel

This is the advanced way using your own ninject modules (RiotHttpClientModule in our example)

//load a Riot Http module with an Api key into your kernel of your app
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new RiotHttpClientModule("your api key here"));
//get back the riot client from your application kernel using ninject
var riotClient = kernel.Get<RiotHttpClient>();
//retrieve all current free to play champions
var championList = riotClient.Champion.RetrieveAllChampions(RiotApiConfig.Regions.NA, freeToPlay: true);
//print the number of free to play champions
Console.WriteLine($"There are {championList.Champions.Count()} free to play champions to play with!");
response => There are 17 free to play champions to play with!

Download the full api documentation reference [here (chm format)] (https://github.com/sdesyllas/RiotApi.NET/blob/master/Documentation/Help/Documentation.chm?raw=true)

The goal of this project is to provide .net application developers with a high level tool for Riot games' API to use in their apps. I hope you will like it! Please feel free to contribute.

Web UI

LoLUniverse is a seperated project that utilizing this API and provides a user iterface and a prototype League of Legends web application. The project is build in ASP.NET MVC framework and you can find it here.

Third party libraries used

Also using

  • Appveyor for continuous integration and build server.
  • [waffle](project management solution ) for project management