On Full-Gradient Methods in Temporal-Difference Learning: An Empirical Study

This repository contains the source code for our paper "On Full-Gradient Methods in Temporal-Difference Learning: An Empirical Study", as of yet unpublished with no plans to publish this work in the future. We have looked at the difference in performance between taking the semi- and full-gradient in temporal difference control methods, namely SARSA and Q-learning. For both algorithms, we used non-linear function approximators in the form of neural networks.

In our repository, you will find an implementation for both SARSA and Q-learning, which can both be trained using either semi- or full-gradient descent methods. Furthermore, our figures can be replicated using the experimental code and config files in this repository.

Folder structure

  • ./project/ contains all code necessary to train and test one of the methods.
  • ./README.md is the file you are currently reading.
  • ./aggregate_plots.py is a file which contains the code to create the plots as seen in our paper.
  • ./env.yml conda environment used for this project.
  • ./experiments_config_*.json are files which contain the hyperparameters for different experiments.
  • ./run_experiments.py is the file which is used to fully run one of our experiments.
  • ./show_q_vals.py is used to compute the q-MSE per training step for ASplit and 7-Step random walk.

Installation instructions

To run any of our code, install the conda environment as given in ./env.yml using conda env create --file env.yml. No further installation steps are required.

Running the code

To train a network for an environment using our configurations, run python run_experiments.py CONFIG_FILE, where CONFIG_FILE is any of the experiments_config_*.json files.