
A tool for developer pairing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tool for developer pairing. Very alpha, currenly under development.

Example 'screen shot':

mymac:pairist tom$ bin/pairist
Current team (5 developers)
	Tom, Phil, Todd, Chris, Peter
There are 3 solutions. How's this?

	Peter (soloing)
	Tom & Phil
	Chris & Todd on Login page

r Suggest another pairing
p Manually pair developers
a Assign/unassign story
s Toggle solo status
e Edit developers
q Quit


This is currently a command line tool. Just clone the repo and run bin/pairist. Node.js is the only prerequisite.


  • Generates random pairings
  • Supports soloing, trio-ing, manual pair assignments
  • Tab-completion for developer and story names


  • Location awareness for smart pairing of remote developers
  • Pairing history
  • git-base storage for easy collaboration


Only the core pairing code is tested. Need to figure out a good way to test the cli parts.

Install npm package jasmine-node. (Look into switching to normal jasmine)

jasmine-node src/*_spec.js