This package is a implementation of Certificate-Bound Access Tokens written in OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-14.
The purpose of package is creating and verifing Certificate-Bound token.
This token can be used for Access Token and Refresh Token of OAuth 2.0.
How to pass the token to resource server? How to manage key pair and certificate? There are out of scope.
The OAuth 2.0 back channel process is below.
- Client server sends the request to token endpoint of Authorization server.
- Authorization server creates token and return it if the Client server pass a authentication.
- Client server requests to Resource server with the token.
- Resource server verifies the token and returns data if the token is valid.
The problem of Bearer token is that attacker gets the access token, they can access to the Resource server. Mutual TLS Certificate-Bound Access Tokens defined in OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-14 is a method how to verify the proof of possession. The summary of this method is below.
- Basically, Client server, Authorization server and Resource server must be connected by mutual TLS.
- When Authorization server creates access token, the thumbprint of certificate is added to the token. The certificate is the client certificate used in mTLS between Client server and Authorization server.
- When Resource server gets the token, the thumbprint written in the token is compared with the thumbprint of certificate which is used in mTLS connection between Client server and Resource server.
- If attacker who got the access token try to gets a resource from Resource server, they have to connect mTLS as Client server. But they couldn't do it because they don't have the private key which uses Client server.
Define token claims. It is defined in authorization server.
claims := mtoken.RawClaims{ "iss": "kokukuma", "client_id": "3", "dns_name": "", "test": []string{"kokuban", "kumasan"}, }
Encode token to signedJWT. It is done in authorization server.
tokenStr, err := mtoken_grpc.IssueToken(ctx, privKey, claims)
Decode and verify the signedJWT. It is done in resource server.
jwt, err = auth_grpc.DecodeToken(ctx, tokenStr, pubKey)