
Zlack is a fake messaging app used for scripting a conversation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A scriptable fake chat application



If you need to look like you are in a chat, this is the application for you.

How does it work?

  1. Write a script file.
  2. Upload the script file to Zlak zlak.tomontheinternet.com by clicking on the header.
  3. Enjoy

Script file

A script file is a set of instructions to Zlak. For an example, look at sample-instructions in this repo.

The available commands are:

USER `username`          # set the name of the user, defaults to Tom if not called
WAIT 2000                # waits for the number of milliseconds, in this case 2000 (2 seconds)
WAIT USER                # waits until the user sends a message
TYPING `username` 2000   # show a typing message, in this case "username is typing..." for 2 seconds
SAY `username` `message` # show a message from a user
NARRATE `message` 5000   # show a narration message, in this case it show "narrate" for 5 seconds
# Any line starting with # is ignored.

Why did you build this?

I thought it might be fun to have someone to chat to when recording YouTube videos.

Video Explanation