
A simple, optimised and configurable speed camera script.

Primary LanguageLua


A simple resource to add speed cameras around the city.

  • Some pre-configured camera locations provided.
  • Additional camera locations can be easily added using the template shown in the config.lua.
  • Jobs can be exempt from being caught. By default this is set to 'police' and 'ambulance' jobs.
  • Can bill any player or be set to only bill if the player owns the car they are driving.




  • Download from latest releases
  • Extract files
  • Rename folder to qb-speedcameras
  • Make any changes you wish to the config.lua
  • Drag folder into your resources/[qb] folder
  • Ensure folder (resources/[qb] folder is ensured by default)
  • Restart server


Config = {}

Config.MPH = true                 -- bool: false for KMH / true for MPH
Config.useCameraSound = true      -- bool: Makes a camera shutter sound effect
Config.useFlashingScreen = true   -- bool: Flashes screen white for a brief moment
Config.useBlips = true            -- bool: Turns blips on/off
Config.alertPolice = true         -- bool: Whether to alert police above certain speed
Config.alertSpeed = 130           -- number: Alerts police when caught above this speed
Config.useBilling = true          -- bool: Bills player by fineAmount automatically if true - Only change if you know what you're doing
Config.OnlyBillIfOwned = false    -- bool: Only bill the player if they own the vehicle they are driving
Config.showNotification = false   -- bool: Shows a notification when caught
Config.sendEmail = true           -- bool: Sends an email when caught, false shows a notification

Config.ignoredJobs = {}            -- table: Table of jobs that wll not get fined by the cameras when on duty
Config.Cameras = {}               -- table: List of cameras


Developers can use the following events to handle any extended functionality. These can be added to any resource.

Client Events

RegisterNetEvent("qb-speedcameras:client:caught", function(playerCar, camera_location)
    -- Event handler code

Triggered upon player being caught

  • playerCar [number] The vehicle the player was in at the time of being caught.
  • camera_location [vec3] The camera location that caught the player.

Server Events

RegisterNetEvent("qb-speedcameras:server:caught", function(source, netID, camera_location)
    -- Event handler code

Triggered upon player being caught

  • source [number] The source of the event trigger (player ID)
  • netID [number] The network ID of the vehicle the player was in at the time of being caught.
  • camera_location [vec3] The camera location that caught the player.


esx_speedcamera - Original resource