serial: Serial version

	Added simple acc directives
		#pragma acc routine seq
		#pragma acc parallel loop

	The image array is transferred to the GPU unnecessarily

	Added in unstructured data region (enter, exit)
		#pragma acc enter data create(image[0:3*(image_width*image_height)])
		#pragma acc exit data delete(image[0:3*(image_width*image_height)])

	Added present clause to acc parallel loop
		#pragma acc parallel loop present(image[0:3*(image_width*image_height)])

			-> This eliminates data transfer to device

	Added explict host update
		#pragma acc update self(image[0:3*(image_width*image_height)])

	Added block/tile loop to separate image into chunks of rows
		-> Compute only

	Added separate pragma for "data present" instead of attaching to loop clause
		#pragma acc data present(image[0:3*(image_width*image_height)])
		#pragma acc parallel loop

	Added blocking of data transfers by moving the "update pragma" inside
	the block loop and changing bound of image update
		#pragma acc update self(image[block*(3*block_height*image_width):block_height*(3*image_width)])

	Now that computation and data transfers are blocked/tiled, allow for asynchronous
	work by adding async clauses to the parallel loop and update self pragmas
		async(block % 2 + 1)
			-> use modulus to assign blocks to 2 separate cuda streams depending on block id
			-> the "+1" is to ensure we're not using the default stream

	We must also synchronize before data is accessed (written to file)
		#pragma acc wait

	Compute portion of blocks on each of the 4 GPUs on Summitdev

	Query for # of GPUs
		int num_gpus = acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_nvidia);

	Add OpenMP parallel region to divde blocks among GPUs
		#pragma omp parallel

	Assign 1 GPU per OpenMP thread (This requires num_gpus = num_omp_threads)
	  int omp_thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
	  acc_set_device_num(omp_thread_id % num_gpus, acc_device_nvidia);

	Move "acc data create" inside "omp parallel" region so that image array is allocated
	on each GPU
		-> Each GPU does not actually need a copy of the entire array, but for now we leave it.

	Add OpenMP parallel loop directive to block loop to divde blocks among GPUs
		#pragma omp for

	NOTE: This problem is NOT load balanced. Some GPUs have more compute intensive
	portions of the image to work on.

	Balance workload among GPUs

	Decompose grid using MPI