
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Netflix Prize

COS 424 Assignment 3

Caterina Golner & Tom Robbins



Scraping genre data

use scraping virtualenv and install python libraries

source scraping/bin/activate
pip install imdbpy numpy scikit-learn surprise

The scraping files are info_scraper.py, stitch.py, and onehot.py one-hot encodes them for regression. The scraper has a small chance of scraping incorrect information for movies, as it is based on the search functionality of IMDb, and for 'movies' in the dataset that are really just Bonus Content, TV series', concerts, or Special Editions, the search with their full name string often doesn't produce results. The recursive searching only affects ~6% of the movies, and brings the number of genre/actor information gained from ~87% to ~93%

Using the adroit cluster

ssh thomasrr@adroit.princeton.edu
module load anaconda
conda create --name netflix numpy scipy pandas matplotlib scikit-learn
source activate netflix

# make sure to change the parameters in the .cmd file before sending it to SLURM
sbatch linear_regression.cmd

we used the SLURM system on the adroit cluster to run the linear regression models and mean-based models, using ssh to access and sftp to transfer files.


linear_regression.py runs the entirety of the prediction process, usage:

python linear_regression.py --movie-offset <int> --num-movies <int> [--regr-type <LinearRegression, Ridge, RandomForestRegressor, AdaBoostRegressor>] [--cluster] [--include-user-average] --choosing-mechanism <random_sample, top_reviewers> --max-reviews <int> --num-cores <int> --ofile <path> &> <path>

the --cluster flag runs the clustering, and with the --include_user_average it runs the Clus+ model the --regr-type chooses the type of regression used in the regression models

Memory Usage

Linear Regression 517450 Used ~27889684K Memory

Random Tree Regression 517637 Used ~47663916K Memory

AdaBoost Regression 517478 Used ~47552932K Memory

Ridge Regression 518047 Used ~48279576K Memory

Cluster Means 518094 Used ~52791712K Memory

Cluster Means+ 518517 Used ~60818808K Memory