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Some quick cmake nonsense to support editing and building the RAD debugger from Visual Studio 2019, mainly to get the clickable error messages and code browsing.


  • Visual Studio 2019
  • Python 3.x

One-off steps:

  1. make init from root of working copy

Day-to-day use:

  1. Load build\vs2019\raddebugger.sln into Visual Studio 2019

  2. Select debug or release configuration to build the relevant configuration of the debugger

  3. Build > Build solution

The build step runs make -r -f from the root of the working copy, which by default runs build.bat.

Debug > Start Debugging seems to work, but it builds the code every time, so it's not much fun.


The following wouldn't be the worst possible addition to a .dir-locals.el file:

((nil . ((c-file-offsets . ((statement-case-open . 0)))
         (c-basic-offset . 2))))