
Primary LanguageJavaScript


An experiment in building a React-like UI library in Koka.

Right now it can only construct an element tree and render it to a string, not much but it's a start. See my Twitter thread for a rough design on how I expect this all to work: https://twitter.com/tomus_sherman/status/1582508438789447680

Here's the current proposed API, it's analogous to React.js in the following ways:

  • Hooks are replaced with algebraic effects, this remove many annoyances with React Hooks, namely they can be called conditionally, in loops, and not just at the top level
  • useState is replaced with the state() function and associated effect, it returns a state value that can be get() and set().
  • useEffect is replaced with the defer() function and associated effect. Naming comes from this great article on algebraic effects, called so because the effect inside is deferred until after rendering. useLayoutEffect would probably be immediate() or something.
  • JSX is replaced with bare function calls
  • Child elements are constructed in a children lambda. This allows for standard control flow (if/else, while loops, etc) instead of being forced into using expressions.


This is proposed syntax/api, ofc subject to change.

fun counter()
  val count = state(0)

  // Dependency array comes first so that we can take advantage of trailing lambdas
  defer(state.get) {
    println("Count is: " ++ state.get)

    button(html-type="button", on-click={ count.set(count.get + 1) }, children={

    button(html-type="button", on-click={ count.set(count.get - 1) }, children={

    if (count.get == 0) {
      // A hook inside children, conditional, and not at the top level! Awesome!
      defer(state.get) {
        alert("Zero count!")

      p(class="empty", children={ text("No count") })
    } else {
      p(class="text", children={ count.get.text })

What about fetching and suspense?

Some very interesting possibilities here, for example how about fetching and suspending in the same component:

fun user-avatar(id)
  div(class="user-avata-card", children={
    suspense(fallback=spinner(), children={
      let user = fetchUser(id)


What's great is that fetchUser would have a signature like (id: string) fetch -> user. That fetch effect is crucial because it means we can have type-safe suspense boundaries.
