
Erlang JWT library

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT

jwt — Erlang JWT Library

Build Status Coverage Status Hex.pm

JWT is a simple authorization token format based on JSON.

If you use rebar (supports both 2 and 3 versions) or mix (Elixir):

% in rebar.config for rebar3
{deps, [{jwt}]}.

% or for rebar2
{deps, [{jwt, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/artemeff/jwt", {tag, "0.1.0"}}}]}
% mix.exs
def deps do
  [{:jwt, "~> 0.1"}]

Or use it as git dependency.

%% Create JWT token
> application:ensure_all_started(jwt).
> Key = <<"supas3cri7">>.
> Claims = [
    {user_id, 42},
    {user_name, <<"Bob">>}
> {ok, Token} = jwt:encode(<<"HS256">>, Claims, Key).
%% or with expiration
> ExpirationSeconds = 86400.
> {ok, Token} = jwt:encode(<<"HS256">>, Claims, ExpirationSeconds, Key).

%% Parse JWT token
> {ok, Claims} = jwt:decode(Token, Key).
%% Issuer specific keys workflow

%% The encoder just knows about itself
> Issuer = <<"iss1">>.
> IssuerKey = <<"Issuer-1-Key">>.
> Claims2 = [
    {iss, Issuer},
    {user_id, 42},
    {user_name, <<"Bob">>}
> {ok, Token2} = jwt:encode(<<"HS256">>, Claims, ExpirationSeconds, IssuerKey).

%% Decoder Workflow
%% The decoder knows about all encoder keys (issuer specific)
> IssuerKeyMapping = #{ Issuer => IssuerKey,
                        <<"iss2">> => <<"Issuer2Key">>}.
> {ok, Claims} = jwt:decode(Token, <<"default-key">>, IssuerKeyMapping).

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  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'add some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  • Create new Pull Request

