MATLAB repository for pre-processing, extract information and thresholding CTP images in DICOM format.
- Pre-processing: folder that contains the files for the entire pre-processing steps:
- ct images, parametric maps and Sigurd were created by Master students working on the same topic;
- the remaining files are used to start the pre-processing steps.
- SEGMENTATION_TECHNIQUES: various files containing different approaches to segment the regions in the skull.
- Skull removal techniques: folder with the files of different skull removal techniques.
- INFO (new patients): files used to extract the information from the new patients.
- PM_Thresholding: folder that contains the files to threshold the parametric maps of the patients.
- AUC_ROC: folder containing the files to plot the ROC curve.
- UTILS: directory that contains some utils function for the pre-processing/classification.