
A small fabric libary to store mod specific nbt data in each chunk.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Chunk Storage Api

Chunk Storage API Fabric is a powerful library mod designed specifically for mod developers who want to store NBT data in each Minecraft chunk. This mod provides an easy-to-use API that allows developers to store and retrieve data in a lightweight and efficient manner. Similar to Forge's Chunk Capabilities, Chunk Storage API Fabric provides a similar functionality for Fabric Loader users.


Add my maven repo:

repositories {
  maven {
    name = "tom5454 maven"
    url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tom5454/maven/main"

Latest version: Latest version badge

Add it to your dependencies:

dependencies {
  /* minecraft dependency is here */

Creating a DataObject

Create a class and implement the com.tom.chunkstorage.api.DataObject interface.

public class MyDataObject implements DataObject {
	public NbtCompound save() {
		NbtCompound compound = new NbtCompound();
		//Save your object
		return compound;
	public void load(NbtCompound compound) {
		//Load your object

Then in your mod init register your data type.

public static DataObjectKey<MyDataObject> MY_DATA_OBJECT_KEY;

public void onInitialize() {
	// other init code ...
	MY_DATA_OBJECT_KEY = ChunkStorageApi.registerObjectFactory(new Identifier("mymod:my_object"), MyDataObject::new);

Accessing the Data

You can only access the data from the server side !World.isClient()!

WorldChunk chunk = world.getWorldChunk(blockPos);//yarn
LevelChunk chunk = level.getChunkAt(blockPos);//official

//Get the stored data or null
MyDataObject data = ChunkStorageApi.getFromChunk(chunk, MyMod.MY_DATA_OBJECT_KEY);

//Get the stored data or create new
MyDataObject data = ChunkStorageApi.getOrCreateFromChunk(chunk, MyMod.MY_DATA_OBJECT_KEY);