A gem for masking any contact information -- phone numbers and emails -- in a string.
There is a need for us because we are building a marketplace where we want the interactions to occur in our system. Similar to AirBnb, we want to mask any sort of communication channels outside of the marketplace.
Well, if you look at AirBnb's model, the claim is that they want to protect people from potentially putting themselves in danger by not going through their system. Whether that has merit -- I'll leave it up to the reader.
We basically provide an extra method panda_mask
on the string
class that will strip all e-mails, phone numbers, and urls and replace it with ***.
"contact us at tommytcchan [at] asf.com now".panda_mask # 'contact us at [removed as it violates our terms of service] now'
"contact us at 415.123.3333 now".panda_mask('[removed]') # 'contact us at [removed] now'
Please see the tests for the examples on what it strips out.
I have a whole bunch of panda stickers on my desk + this is a gem to mask certain fields = panda mask!
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Copyright (c) 2014 Tommy Chan and www.venuespot.co. See LICENSE.txt for further details.