Landslide modelling

Step 01 - Data collection

Collect data for the landslide modeling.

  1. Rainfall data collected from Google Earth Engine. Code for Google Earth engine in file entitled, Rainfall-data.js
  2. Soil data collected from ISRIC
  3. LULC data collected from UCL
  4. DEM data collected from Google Earth Engine
  5. Lithology data collected from
  6. Fault line data collected from GEM
  7. Road network data collected from MUK GIS lab (Updated road network with UNRA)
  8. River data obtained from USGS HydroSHEDS

Available data in folder entitled, Data

Step 02 - Data extraction

2.1 Data cleaning and preparation conducted in QGIS

2.2 Data extraction in R

  • Code provided in file entitled, Landslide modeling in R.r
  • Statistical analysis provided in file entitled, Statistical analysis.r

Step 03 - Modelling

  • Code provided in file entitled, Landslide modeling in R.r