- Debian 11
- Ubuntu 20.04
- postgresql
- redis
Open sql console
su - postgres -c /usr/bin/psql
Execute the bellow script after change values like password and user
CREATE USER librephotos WITH PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE DATABASE "librephotos" WITH OWNER "librephotos";
GRANT ALL privileges ON DATABASE librephotos TO librephotos;
Execute following commande as root
cd /tmp/
git clone https://github.com/LibrePhotos/librephotos-linux.git
cd librephotos-linux
Other way can be use download archive
wget https://github.com/librephotos/librephotos-linux/archive/main.zip -O /tmp/main.zip
unzip -d /tmp/ /tmp/main.zip
cd /tmp/librephotos-linux-main/
Edit /etc/librephotos/librephotos-backend
- Postgresql information
- redis information
nano /etc/librephotos/librephotos-backend
Create or update database
Create admin user as root with the following commande
/usr/lib/librephotos/bin/librephotos-createadmin <user> <email> [<paswword>]
reboot or start services
systemctl start librephotos-image-similarity.service
systemctl start librephotos-worker.service
systemctl start librephotos-backend
systemctl start librephotos-frontend
not working yet
As root you can use
librephotos-cli build_similarity_index
librephotos-cli clear_cache
librephotos-cli scan
Install cifs-utils :
apt install cifs-utils
On /etc/fstab add the following line :
//data.lan.lgy.fr/ftcl/photos/ /var/lib/librephotos/data/photos cifs uid=librephotos,gid=librephotos,credentials=/etc/samba/smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,sec=ntlmssp,noacl 0 0
create file /etc/samba/smbcredentials with bellow connexion informations
Install davfs2 :
apt install davfs2
On /etc/fstab add the following line :
https://monnextcloud.mondomaine.fr/remote.php/dav/files/myuser /var/lib/librephotos/data/photos davfs uid=librephotos,gid=librephotos,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,_netdev 0 0
Edit file /etc/davfs2/secrets to add new line with credential
https://monnextcloud.mondomaine.fr/remote.php/dav/files/myuser myuser password